- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Conservatives Conquer NDAA
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- By Eagle Forum
Drafting Daughters, Trans-ing Kids, and Potheads Out of Defense Bill
The long-awaited National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) came out of the joint House and Senate conference committee this week. For the first time in years, no doubt in response to President Trump’s overwhelming election win, the bill contains many conservative policy wins and cuts $35 billion in wasteful spending.
The House-passed version (H.R. 8070) contained a lot of good, conservative policies such as a ban on funding medical procedures for military personnel and their children to “change genders,” and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) positions while keeping the selective service for males only. There were dangerous provisions in that bill as well, including a provision to allow military recruiters to ignore positive marijuana tests for new recruits and an expansion of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) services (currently only for soldiers injured in the line of duty) to all service people and their dependents.
Teeth in Birds
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The claim is often made by evolutionists that some birds have teeth, calling them atavisms. However, of all the “atavism” claims that I have seen, this is definitely the most ridiculous. They consist of jagged ridges within a beak and a toothlike structure used in hatching.
Some birds have jagged ridges within their beaks that superficially look like teeth. These are serrated edges inside the beak called tomia. These conical projections are made of cartilage and help the bird in gripping food. These are not hard structures like teeth and any similarity is superficial. Calling them atavisms or any form of evidence for universal common descent is fallacious.
NATO Chief: ‘Prepare For War’
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- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
BRUSSELS/BUDAPEST (Worthy News) – The head of NATO has told member states to prepare for war, describing the current security situation as “the worst in my lifetime.”
In his first major policy speech since taking charge of the military alliance, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte suggested in Brussels, Belgium, that citizens in Europe and North America should “shift to a wartime mindset.”
“Our deterrence is good – for now. But it’s tomorrow I’m worried about. We are not ready for what is coming our way in four to five years,” Rutte warned.
“Russia, China, but also North Korea and Iran, are hard at work to try to weaken North America and Europe. To chip away at our freedom. They want to reshape the global order. Not to create a fairer one, but to secure their own spheres of influence,” Rutte stressed.
Men Are Just Happy People
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- By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. - Arizona Today
I simply wish to place before you some thoughts actually quite familiar to every man who reads the below words. In the same breath, I am quite certain every woman, especially those married, will nod their head in agreement as to the “wisdom” contained within the words nicely written. Enjoy the smile coming up from within you whether guy or gal and give thanks. Give thanks for being born in such a great country as ours; give thanks for all who have helped maintain this exceptional nation; give thanks for our Forefathers who set onto paper a dream to live in a country where freedom reigned for the individual, as well as the country as a whole – where no despot could reign supreme. Give thanks for the fun we can still enjoy as you are about to read, and for a God who enjoys a good laugh, also. Men…give your wife a true heartfelt hug for understanding you more than you likely know and loving you in spite. Women…give thanks for your husband who means well in so many ways, and most likely does try to show such. Unmarried…give thanks the Lord knows well exactly the gift He intends for you and wait with expectation and appreciation. Formerly married…give thanks even in spite of your loss, for in all things give thanks resting in the fact the Lord knows what He intends for you regardless of your visual circumstances. For all…give thanks that we have the privilege, the gift of being born in this exceptional nation, and ask the Lord of lords and King of kings what you may be able to accomplish to help make a positive difference in the life of another, and in the life of this nation.
New Milestone Unlocked: Christian Lingua Reaches 50 Million Christians Worldwide Every Month Through Translation and Overdub Work
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- By Christian Lingua
RUTHERFORDTON, N.C. -- Christian Lingua has reached an extraordinary milestone, engaging over 50 million listeners, readers, and Bible students worldwide every month through its dedicated translation and overdub efforts. This remarkable achievement highlights the impact of CL’s work in making Christian content accessible across diverse languages and cultures.
Trumpism Is Going Global
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- By Stephen Moore
Buckle your seatbelts because President-elect Donald Trump has ignited a worldwide revolt against the arrogance of global elites.
We are entering a brand-new era of rebellion -- man against the self-serving, out-of-touch political machines that ignore the will of the governed.
Look around.
Biden Program May Have Helped Sex Traffickers 'Exploit Women and Girls': Congressional Report
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- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
Human sex traffickers may have used a Biden administration program that imported tens of thousands of illegal immigrants a month into the United States “to exploit women and girls,” a congressional report has revealed.
In addition to breaking consecutive records for the largest number of border crossings in U.S. history, the Biden-Harris administration’s Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV) program flew 30,000 illegal immigrants a month into the United States from those four nations alone.
“To mask the border crisis and artificially decrease historically high border encounters, President Biden and Vice President Harris implemented programs and policies that allowed aliens to bypass the southwest border so they would not be included as encounters in Border Patrol data,” notes the report, released by the House Judiciary Committee, titled “The Biden-Harris Administration’s CHNV Parole Program Two Years Later: A Fraud-Ridden, Unmitigated Disaster.”
War and Peace
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- By Mike Scruggs
Tucker Carlson Interview of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov - December 6, 2024, Moscow

On December 6, Tucker Carlson was in Moscow to interview Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Lavrov has been the Russian Federation’s Foreign Minister for 20 years, since 2004. Lavrov was born in Moscow. His father was an Armenian from the Georgian SSR and his mother Russian. Lavrov speaks several foreign languages well and is fluent in English and French, so the interview was entirely in English and later translated to Russian for the Russian public. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Relations in 1972 and has been both a Soviet and Russian Federation diplomat since then. Lavrov consistently maintains a deliberately straight forward style of communication. He avoids speculation or exaggeration in answering questions. His knowledge of international situations and their histories is broad and deep. His intellectual, analytical, and diplomatic skills are formidable, and his credibility is highly respected in knowledgeable and objective diplomatic circles.
Patria Nostra Conservanda Est! Our Fatherland Must Be Preserved!
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- By W.H. Lamb

The ancient Romans in their venerable Republic were a pretty smart bunch, until they started worshipping big government and raiding the public treasury. One of my favorite ancient Roman writers and heroes is Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 B.C.--43B.C.). A noted lawyer and unfailing defender of the dying Roman Republic, he was a keen observer of the decline leading to the ultimate death of that Republic, and was eventually assassinated by the Roman version of total government in the form of the followers of General Marc Antony, one of the assassinated aspiring dictator, Julius Caesar’s, loyal toadies. Before Cicero made his decision to oppose the rising dictatorship that was destroying the Republic, he wrote these famous words: “Patria est communis omnium parens”, which means—“The fatherland is the common parent of usall”. I’m sure that most of us would agree with this sentiment, but just what is our American “fatherland”?
Big Trump Changes Coming to Savannah River Site
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- By Winston McCuen - South Carolina
The Savannah River Site is now in for a shake-up.
The old Department of Energy (DOE) head, a lifelong bureaucrat and Biden appointee implicated in felonious insider-trading, is about to be replaced by entrepreneur and MIT engineer Chris Wright. The new DOGE will be systematically reviewing and monitoring Site programs to cut massive waste and to shift our defense posture from dangerous globalist interventionism to peace-through-strength non-interventionism.
Iran Announces Successful Launch of Heaviest Payload on Domestically-Made Rocket
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- By Karen Faulkner - Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – Amid the West’s ongoing concerns about Tehran’s nuclear program and suspected intentions to build an atomic bomb, Iran on Friday announced it successfully launched its heaviest-ever payload into space using a domestically manufactured rocket, DW reports. A payload is the cargo or mission equipment that is carried into space on a rocket.
Sent from the Imam Khomeini Spaceport in Semnan province using the Simorgh two-stage, liquid-fueled satellite carrier, the payload launched by Iran on December 6 comprised a telecommunications satellite and a space tug and weighed about 300 kilograms (660 pounds), DW reports.
Will Biden Create a Constitutional Crisis?
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- By Anne Schlafly - Eagle Forum Chairman
To Preserve, Protect, and Defend
A group of 48 Democrat U.S. Senators have called on President Joe Biden to order the Archivist to “certify and publish the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution before he leaves office next month.
The problem with this scheme is that pretending that ERA is a part of the Constitution would violate the clear U.S. Supreme Court 1982 ruling in National Organization for Women v. Idaho that ERA is legally dead. In 2021, a federal court judge affirmed in Virginia v. Ferriero that the late ratifications by Virginia, Illinois, and Nevada were null and void. Even ERA proponent Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said that for ERA to be a valid amendment to the Constitution, then the process must “start over.” Constitutional amendments require a supermajority to ratify and there is no public support for this controversial amendment that seeks to redefine sex.
Professor Wu Yanan Announced as 2024 Winner of the Lin Zhao Freedom Award
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- By China Aid Association
MIDLAND, Texas -- China Aid Association is pleased to announce Professor Wu Yanan as the winner of the Lin Zhao Freedom Award 2024 from a group of four qualified nominations for her outspoken condemnation of the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of student protests.
An associate professor of philosophy at Nankai University, Wu publicly criticized her employer for detaining and persecuting students who participated in protests sparked by the tragic fire in Urumqi in 2022. These protests called for an end to strict lockdown measures, which Wu described as oppressive. In her online posts, she urged the university to protect its students from political retaliation, emphasizing the need for the institution to uphold basic human rights.
Wu expressed her frustration with the university's actions, asking, "Isn't it the school's duty to protect the students?! … Who gives you the right to silence our voices of truth?!"
Unchained Leader Program: A Revolutionary Approach to Sexual Addiction Recovery
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- By Unchained Leader
TAMPA, Fla. -- Mason Cain, a renowned expert in sexual addiction recovery, proudly readdresses necessity of the Unchained Leader program, an innovative initiative specifically designed to guide individuals through the complexities of sexual addiction recovery. This program is an extension of his personal recovery and the professional credentials that he retains with the Professional Sexual Addiction Program (PSAP), where Mason Cain integrates years of experience and research into a comprehensive recovery journey.
Unchained Leader Program sets itself apart by focusing not only on overcoming addiction but also on empowering participants to reclaim leadership and control in their personal and professional lives. Recognizing the pervasive stigma associated with sexual addiction, the program offers a supportive, confidential environment where individuals can work on healing without judgment.
COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report
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- By Dr. Robert Malone
Published by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on December 2, 2024
The single most thorough review of the pandemic conducted to date
WASHINGTON – Today, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic concluded its two-year investigation into the COVID-19 pandemic and released a final report titled “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.” The final report will serve as a road map for Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future pandemics. Since February 2023, the Select Subcommittee has sent more than 100 investigative letters, conducted more than 30 transcribed interviews and depositions, held 25 hearings and meetings, and reviewed more than one million pages of documents. Members and staff have exposed high-level corruption in America’s public health system, confirmed the most likely origin of the pandemic, held COVID-19 bad actors publicly accountable, fostered bipartisan consensus on consequential pandemic-era issues, and more. This 520-page final report details all findings of the Select Subcommittee’s investigation.
Standing for Conservative Leadership in South Carolina
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- By SC Freedom Caucus
This week, the South Carolina Freedom Caucus offered a clear alternative to business as usual in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Representative Bill Chumley was nominated to challenge incumbent Speaker Murrell Smith, reflecting our commitment to advocating for the conservative values South Carolinians expect from their leaders.
During the nomination speech, SCFC Chairman Jordan Pace highlighted key issues that have been overlooked under the current leadership:
Ministry Completes Historic 'Neighbors Serving Neighbors' Clean Water Project
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- By The Bucket Ministry
The Bucket Ministry provides God's love and safe drinking water to more than 400,000 residents of one of the largest slums in Africa
ROCKWALL, Texas -- The Bucket Ministry, a nonprofit committed to sharing God's love through the gift of clean water, today marked the completion of a five-year effort to provide generational access to safe drinking water and the love of Jesus to every resident living in Kibera, a slum located outside Nairobi, Kenya.
Snakes with Legs
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
One interesting example of a legitimate atavism is cases where snakes develop with legs. Now these legs are not functional and do not always grow from the right spots on their body, but they do exist. Evolutionists will claim that they are evidence of universal common descent with snakes evolving from four-legged lizards. However, interestingly enough this is one example where the Bible may have already given us an answer.
One of the difficulties associated with confirming this is the fact that there are way too many CGI pictures online. Sometimes, they are obviously fake but there are plenty of times when it is harder to tell.
New Christian 'Edutainment' Video Series Aims to Engage Teens and Reinforce Biblical Worldview
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- By The Science Dilemma
TAMPA, Fla. -- The Science Dilemma, a biblically-based and scientifically-informed educational entertainment video series for teens, today released its first series, "The Science Dilemma: The Origin of Life."
Burdened by the number of students who abandon their faith after leaving the home, Allan C. Pereira and Jeffrey Singer created The Science Dilemma to provide parents, leaders and educators with an engaging and entertaining tool built to hold the attention of the younger generation and fill them with truths to strengthen their faith foundation. The first series, "The Origin of Life," is now available for purchase on thesciencedilemma.com and to stream on the RightNow Media subscription service.
Change The Debate and Take Back Liberty Locally
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- By Tom DeWeese - American Policy Center
Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, stores their belongings, and finds shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.
There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself.
John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”
God's Gifts: How Our Superintelligent Creator Earns 100% of the Credit for All Life
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- By Atomic Biology Institute
MAPLE RIDGE, British Columbia, Canada -- Three decades ago, a Canadian researcher, Tom Rogers, at that time new to the Christian faith, was driven to investigate two significant questions. These were: 'How does this Creator actually create living things like us?' and 'Does this involve a lot of work?'
With input from 45 scholars, that curiosity inspired the development of a new God-based life science about how we are made and cared for. It is formally called 'Atomic Biology' and nicknamed 'God's Biology,' a science worthy of replacing Darwinisms in education. The research verifies the need for superintelligence, far above mankind's level, plus enormous physical works and care, to create, sustain, maintain, and repair each living part of us.
Georgetown Paper Mill Closure Uncovers International Paper’s More Sinister Ties
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- By Alaina - Palmetto State Watch
The Georgetown Paper Mill in South Carolina that has acted as the backbone to the Georgetown County workforce is abruptly shutting down with little warning and explanation. What is the real reason the mill is closing? Let’s take a look at some of the contributing factors:
Georgetown Paper Mill Closes Without Warning
On October 31, 2024, it was announced that International Paper would be permanently shutting down the Georgetown County Paper Mill that has supported local revenue and hundreds of families for over 80 years. The Georgetown Mill manager, Bernie Chascin, told media: “The decision is especially difficult because of the impact on hardworking employees, their families and the surrounding communities.”
Come, Jesus, Come
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- By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. - Host and Commentator
In this topsy turvy world we are navigating, I would like you to join me taking several moments out. Yes...pause and choose to set aside the cares and worries in your portion of the world. While a tremendous spiritual conflict is raging over our nation, I would like you to join me in a momentary alteration of thought. I'm not delusional nor in denial. The political and spiritual fight launched to save this exceptional nation is well underway and will continue. I'm asking you to choose to take a moment and look UP at the hope and the glory awaiting each of us who choose to remain in a walk with Christ regardless of the arena you are in now. Look UP and give thanks not for the struggle you face, but in spite of the struggle confronting you.
New Brief Punches Holes in Mexico’s Lawsuit Against U.S. Gun Makers
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- By Bob Adelmann - The New American
The brief filed by the National Rifle Association (NRA), the FPC Action Foundation (Firearms Policy Coalition), and David Kopel of the Independence Institute last week obliterates Mexico’s allegations that behaviors of American gun makers are the cause of the excessive gun violence in Mexico.
Mexico’s Claim
Kopel made it clear what the Mexican government’s true intentions are in bringing the lawsuit:
Democratic Party Monopoly on the Black Vote Is Over
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- By Star Parker
Dean of the nation's political analysts, Michael Barone, sat down with The Wall Street Journal to discuss the 2024 election.
The headline that emerged from that discussion was "Donald Trump's Rainbow Coalition," noting that the monopoly of the Democratic Party over the nation's Black vote seems to be over.
If this is true, and it indeed seems to be, the implications for the political dynamics of our nation's future are profound.
SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
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- By James Spurck, Publisher
Jeff Davis’s Chickens Have Come Home to Roost
As it has been reported this past week, on November 25th, 2024, Jeff Davis, former Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) Chairman and current GCRP State Executive Committeeman, has been ordered by 8th Circuit Judge Donald Hocker to serve 90 days in the Newberry Detention Center unless he pays $39,443 in court contempt fees within ten days of the order.
Jeff Davis responded the day after the ruling that he had no plans to go to jail and would appeal the judgment.
The Facts
On October 11, 2024, three Civil Actions were brought before Judge Hocker that involved eight distinct orders from the past (take notice of the dates): two orders involving two of the civil actions dated back to October 15, 2021, two more orders involving the same two civil actions dated back to September 19, 2022, two other orders involving the same two civil actions dated back to January 3, 2023, one order involving one of the two civil actions already mentioned dated back to June 10, 2024, and the eighth and final order involving the third civil action dated back to February 28, 2024.
Decisions in the Dark: The Dysfunction Behind Greenville County Council’s Final Meeting of 2024
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- By Benton Blount - Greenville County Councilman, District 19
Hidden Agendas, Ignored Voters, and the Fight for Transparency in Local Governance
As we approach the final Greenville County Council meeting of the year, the agenda offers a striking snapshot of both the critical issues our community faces and the dysfunction that has defined my first two years on Council. While some of the items appear to address legitimate needs, it’s become increasingly clear that immaturity, gamesmanship, and manipulative tactics continue to cloud the decision-making process. These behaviors not only undermine the public’s trust but also force me to question the true intentions behind nearly every agenda item—no matter how straightforward they may seem. Unfortunately, this has a direct impact on how I vote, as I cannot simply assume that even seemingly legitimate proposals are free of hidden motives.
For those following along, you can view the full agenda here: County Council Agenda 12-3-24
Ukraine Reality and Putin’s Warnings
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- By Mike Scruggs
Neocon False Narratives, Oreshnik Hypersonic Missiles, Truth, and Peace

On Friday, November 29, Fox News national security reporter, Jennifer Griffin, gave one of her famously Neocon biased reports on the Ukraine proxy War. She had some of the straight-forward facts right. On November 28, the Russians had launched close to 200 missiles and drones against Ukrainian electrical infrastructure, knocking out power for over a million Ukrainian homes in addition to military, industrial, and communications targets. However, she made the ridiculous statement that the Russians had lost 730,000 men during the two and half years of war beginning February 24, 2022. She has it almost completely upside-down. This is the usual highly exaggerated propaganda of the Ukraine General Staff aided in its gross deception by CIA and British MI6 intelligence advisers. In fact, part of her presentation was a short clip of MI6 Chief Robert Moore, expounding on his 1938 World War II based analogy that if Putin gets part of Ukraine, then Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, Brussels and London will be next. This ignores the last 35 years of Russian history, 25 years of Putin’s leadership, and common-sense analysis of real facts and realistic long-distance logistical capabilities.
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- If You Are illegal, Come. We'll Give You $Thousands to Kill and Rape. If You Are Legal, Go To Hell.
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- United States $36 Trillion Debt
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- Trumps Coming Administration Announcements Complete
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