- The Assassination of Donald Trump and The Revenge of MAGA
- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results, Shatter Secretary's Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy
- A Different Focus on Biden July 11 Press Conference
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
What Constitutes Science?
- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Sometimes, you will hear somebody supporting a claim that they are making with the phrase science says such and such. You have probably heard terms such as the science is settled. You are also told to believe the science and called a science denier or anti-science if You do not accept what is being claimed under the auspices of science as unquestionable fact. Sometimes, even questioning certain official scientific claims is treated as a complete rejection of science.
Packs of “Fighting Age Males” in Military Uniforms Entering U.S. through Remote Arizona Town
- By Judicial Watch - Corruption Chronicles
As the nation’s largest southern border crossings finally receive mainstream media coverage years into an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis, untold numbers of “fighting age males” dressed in military uniforms are entering the United States through remote areas with no Border Patrol presence. It is a palpable security lapse unlikely to be reported by most news outlets and local, federal, and state law enforcement sources have provided Judicial Watch with detailed accounts, reports, diagrams, and photos of the situation which is terrorizing residents in a once harmonious Arizona town just a few miles from Mexico. They blame the Biden administration’s catastrophic open border policies for the serious problems that have gripped the area in the last few years.
What Do We Do Now?
- By Michelle Rogier Shuman - Greenville County
The Primary season in South Carolina has ended. Win or lose changes were made for many. Other offices stayed the same. In case you haven’t heard, the Greenville County Council will totally change in January 2025. I look forward to seeing what fresh people can do in a governing body that has lost its way. In the meantime, we still have challenges ahead of us.
First, Liz Seman is up for reelection and has opposition in November. John Langville is running against her as a Constitution Party candidate. We must back him. Mrs. Seman is a huge part of the problem on the County Council. She is not nor has she ever been for the citizens of Greenville County. She doesn’t like questions being asked. In order to get Mr. Langville elected, people will have to be educated to not just vote straight party tickets. They will need to vote for the individuals and that will then allow them to vote for him. Every time you have the opportunity, you need to help educate people in District 24.
Senator Graham: 'If We Change Our Platform ... We're Going to Be in a World of Hurt'
- By Suzanne Bowdey - The Washington Stand
The fireworks launched Thursday are expected to continue in at least one city — Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As Republican delegates descend on the site of the GOP convention this week, some have come ready for a fight. The news that Donald Trump’s team wants to “simplify” the 60-page platform isn’t sitting well with longtime conservatives who believe the document is the party’s anchor to core values. “Presidential candidates come and go,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) pointed out, but the platform “is foundational.” “There’s no reason to change it. Let’s stick with what got us here.”
Veterans of the platform debate, including Bill Gibbin — who drafted eight of the last 10 GOP documents — are increasingly troubled by what they see from the former president’s senior aides. Pointing to the secrecy with which this platform is set to be drafted, Gibbin wrote ominously in National Review, “Unfortunately, the 2024 GOP platform process is a throwback to 1972, when the Nixon White House, in its imperial-presidency phase, micromanaged everything. But even then, Nixon didn’t treat the delegates as if they were in a witness-protection program.”
Hungary’s Viktor Orban Opens a Door to Ukraine Peace
- By Mike Scruggs
Many EU and NATO Leaders Horrified that Putin Consulted
On July 5, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban traveled to Moscow and spoke with Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin on possible solutions to ending the Ukraine conflict. Two and a half years of war have devastated the Ukrainian economy, resulted in over 7.0 million refugees, and resulted in the combat deaths of more than 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers and as many as 50,000 Russian Federation soldiers. The Ukrainian Army is currently suffering 1,500 to 2,000 casualties—killed and seriously wounded—per day! Initially outnumbering Russian forces more than two to one, Ukrainian combat forces are outnumbered more than four to one, and the Russian advantage is growing. The Ukrainians are running out of men, munitions, and equipment.
“America Was A Nation Founded Upon Christ And His Word”! True or False? - PART 1
- By W.H. Lamb
“All nations that have ever existed have been founded upon some theistic or anti-theistic principle. If we know our history, we know that America was a nation founded upon Christ and His Word.” - Rev. D. James Kennedy (from a sermon at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida).
So said one of my true heroes of the faith, the Christian patriot, Rev. D. James Kennedy (1930-2007). I’ve always believed this to be true, and at one time the majority of Americans also believed it. Not too many years ago (2007) it was reported by the First Amendment Center that “65% of Americans believed that the nation’s Founders intended the U.S. to be a Christian nation”, and that “55% of Americans believed that the U.S. Constitution established a Christian nation.” I suspect that those percentages are lower today. Were these Americans seventeen years ago correct in their assumptions, or had they been misled by centuries of misinformation? Some groups among us, groups with questionable and suspicious and anti-Christian agendas, believe that to be so. Or they want you to believe their deliberate disinformation.
Bob Jones University Accredited by National Association of Schools of Music
- By Courtney Montgomery - BJU
Bob Jones University has been accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music, the recognized accreditor of college and university programs in music.
The National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) was founded in 1924 to secure a better understanding among institutions of higher education engaged in work in music; to establish a more uniform method of granting credit; and to develop and maintain basic, threshold standards for the granting of degrees and other credentials.
NASM accreditation recognizes an institution as having met nationally recognized standards developed by the association with the full participation of its member institutions and in consultation with various professional groups in the field of music. Accreditation also recognizes an institution’s ability to provide the educational services it says it is offering to the public, and whether its stated operational procedures are being followed.
Can Netanyahu Still be a Hero?
- By Joseph M. Bianchi
In the fog of war, if we are honest, we often find it difficult to determine who is a hero and who is a war criminal. There is no better situation to illustrate this than the present Hamas-Israeli conflict.
One can argue that the Israeli bombardment of Gaza has been quite “over the top” to quote President Biden. No one really knows the exact casualty figures as the information coming out of the conflict area is mostly from Hamas operatives, a questionable source indeed.
However, one thing that cannot be denied is that most of the flak taken for the alleged 30,000 plus dead, and many wounded, has been Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He is viewed by many in the international community as an out of control despot ethnically cleansing the Gaza strip, not so much to protect his country, but to grab more land for the notion of “Greater Israel.”
Stanton Public Policy Center Calls for Both the Republican and Democratic Party Platforms to Condemn Coerced, Forced and Pressured Unwanted Abortions
- By Stanton Public Policy Center
WASHINGTON -- Forced, coerced and pressured abortions are abusive and criminal and the full weight of the law must be upheld to prevent abortion abuse.
Stanton Public Policy Center is a women's advocacy and educational group, based in Washington, D.C., which works on issues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare, a women's life-affirming medical clinic that has AAAHC (https://www.aaahc.org/) third party accreditation, and specializes in serving women with unexpected pregnancies by providing professional medical care, practical and emotional support, women's wellness care and a special outreach to refugees and the marginalized.
U.S. Rep. Don Beyer, a Woke Virginia Democrat, Is a Traitor to Virginia's History
- By Gene Kizer, Jr., Charleston Athenaeum Press
Beyer Wants Virginia to Hang Her Head in Shame but His Woke Hatred and Abject Ignorance of Virginia History Are What's Shameful
His District Includes Arlington National Cemetery
What Is the Character of a Person That Supports the Removal of a 110 Year Old Monument Surrounded by the Graves of 518 Soldiers and Family in a Sacred Cemetery After a War in Which 750,000 Died and Over a Million Were Maimed?
ON JUNE 13, 2024, an amendment to the 2025 NDAA entitled "Relocation of Reconciliation Memorial to original location in Arlington National Cemetery" was voted on by the United States House of Representatives. It was submitted by Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia. The amendment lost 230 to 192 with 15 not voting. No Democrat voted for it because they stick together; 24 Republicans gave the middle finger to their voters and joined with Democrats to defeat the amendment.
Republicans are Pro-Life but the 2024 Platform is Not
- By Eagle Forum
Republicans are pro-life.
Sadly, this Republican Platform is not.
The 2024 language departs from the clear statement of principle that has been in every Republican Platform since 1984 — we believe in the fundamental right to life of the unborn which cannot be infringed. For 40 years, the Party has supported ensuring this right through the enactment of both a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.
Boeing Agrees To Plea Guilty Over 737 Max Jets Deaths
- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
WASHINGTON/JAKARTA – U.S.-based Boeing, one of the world’s largest aerospace manufacturers, agreed late Sunday to plead guilty to conspiring to defraud the government in a case linked to crashes of its 737 Max jets in Indonesia and Ethiopia that killed 346 people.
The U.S. Department of Justice said the plane maker had also agreed to pay a criminal fine of $243.6 million.
Yet the families of the people who died on the flights five years ago have criticized it as a “sweetheart deal” that would allow Boeing to avoid full responsibility for the deaths. One reportedly called it an “atrocious abomination.”
A U.S. judge must now approve the settlement. It was a stunning turn for the aerospace giant after the Justice Department determined that Boeing failed to live up to terms of a 2021 deal to avoid prosecution.
Pompeo on Watering Down the GOP Platform: ‘It’s a Mistake’
- By Suzanne Bowdey - The Washington Stand
While the hand-wringing continues at Democratic headquarters over Joe Biden’s shockingly feeble debate, Republicans are speeding toward the convention with major questions of their own. The GOP may know who their nominee will be, but not what their party will represent. In a major departure from past years, news broke over the weekend that the Trump team is trying to “streamline” the platform, telling delegates that it should be short, clear, and concise — code, some worry, for leaving core principles behind.
What Republicans Believe
- By Kris Ullman - President of Eagle Forum
The history of the battles over Republican Platforms teaches us that standing on principles of authentic conservatism and traditional values is the road to victory. Strong principled platforms are worth all the agony we put into writing and getting them adopted. — Phyllis Schlafly
Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly served on the GOP Platform Committee nine times — from 1976 to 2012 — and was instrumental in ensuring the Republican Party became and remained pro-life. The language she first championed in 1976 “to seek enactment of a constitutional amendment to restore protection of the right to life for unborn children” has stood the test of time. Since then, conservatives have repeatedly crafted a Republican party platform that is pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-family, and pro-American. As grassroots delegates prepare for the 2024 GOP Platform, we urge them to include the following provisions from the 2016 GOP Platform.
From Biden, Democrats: Believe Us, Not Your Own Eyes
- By Star Parker
It appears that leadership of the Democratic Party is taking its inspiration from the famous line from the Marx Brothers film "Duck Soup," -- "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes."
There is just so long you can hide under a rock. President Joe Biden had no choice but crawl out and stand before the nation and debate, for all to see that the alleged leader of the free world barely can discern what day it is.
Yet Democratic Party leaders want us to believe them, not our own eyes, that Biden is perfectly capable of handling the responsibilities of the presidency.
Reality Begins to Sober Zelensky Peace Hopes
- By Mike Scruggs
Huge Ukrainian Losses Changing Outlook
On June 15-16, Switzerland hosted a global Peace Summit for Ukraine. Russia was not invited and because of that many countries declined to attend. The absent list included China, India, and many other great powers. Volodymyr Zelensky’s strategy was evidently to get the world to condemn Russia and force a peace plan on Russia. Nevertheless, 86 of 193 United Nations member nations and four international organizations sent representatives. Seventy-eight nations and the four international organizations signed the final communication. Nine more states indicated their approval of the communication after the event. Those rejecting the invitation were particularly numerous in the “Global South,” where US influence in waning and public opinion is no longer favorable to the US and NATO narrative about the Ukraine War. Zelensky’s 10 point peace plan was more propaganda than a reasonable framework for negotiated peace. Zelensky undoubtedly also raised much needed additional funds to operate the Ukrainian government and relieve military weapons and munitions shortages.
Will You Be An “Ant” Or A “Grasshopper” This November 5th?
- By W.H. Lamb
“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise.” - (Proverbs 6:6 N.I.V.)
I’ve written and published a couple of versions of this tale over the years, but considering the possible “existential importance” of the soon-to-be-upon us November 5, 2024 presidential election, with the possibility for “cheating” AGAIN by the slithery Demoncrats a mounting concern, a re-examination of the ‘moral’ of this hoary tale is in order. The original “story” is quite ancient, and probably goes back to the Greek poet, Aesop (ca.620 B.C.—ca.560 B.C.). It has been republished and “modernized” over the centuries by various writers. A version of this tale was sent to me several years ago without attribution, but from my research it appears to have originated in a very abbreviated form on The Federalist Papers.org, website, in an article by Steve Straub back in 2015. I’ve amplified it to a great extent and changed it somewhat to reflect our current “dilemma” caused by “theusual suspects” of despicable anti-American Demoncrats, cowardly RINOS, Republicrat Neo-Cons, and verminous leftist Marxists who are infesting our nation, but the message of the tale remains the same.
Piedmont Women's Center has opened a new clinic in Powdersville
- By Press Release
Piedmont Women’s Center officially opened the doors of their third clinic location in the Powdersville/Piedmont area of the Upstate on May 13th, 2024. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at the new facility on July 3rd at 10:00 a.m.. The new medical facility provides essential women’s health services to this community free of charge.
World Population Review reports a 10.95% poverty rate in the Powdersville area. United Way of Pickens and Anderson reports that while wages have increased in the Pickens/Anderson areas, they have not kept pace with the cost of living. Therefore, more families and individuals are struggling to meet every day needs.
Congress Acts to Hold Social Media Accountable for Children’s Access
- By Eagle Forum
The Social Media Squeeze
Many of us feel like we have information overload these days. With the 24-hour news cycle and the non-stop flow of content from the internet, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. We are constantly bombarded with posts that lead to negativity and comparison with others. If we, as adults, have a hard time filtering information from the internet and establishing boundaries with social media, imagine the extreme burden it imposes on children. Congress has been considering various ways to protect children from online dangers. This week the House is taking a good first step.
Fulton County Moves to Destroy 2020 Election Ballots, Wants Attorney Fees After Losing in Georgia Supreme Court
- By VoterGA
ATLANTA -- Attorneys for Fulton County Georgia argued in the Fulton counterfeit ballot case yesterday that a temporary injunction to preserve the 2020 Fulton election ballots should be lifted, which would allow ballots to be destroyed before they are unsealed, copied and revealed to the public. They also argued Fulton should receive attorney fees for the case even after a Georgia Supreme Court overturned lower court decisions to confirm standing for the Plaintiffs who seek to copy and inspect the ballots.
Attorney Laura Moore argued on behalf of Fulton Superior Court Clerk Che Alexander, who was present in the courtroom, that there is no longer room in a secure warehouse cage for the ballots so they may now be destroyed. Attorney Moore withheld from the court facts that Fulton County just opened a new 60,000 sq. ft. Election Operations warehouse at nearly $30 million of initial cost and an additional $4 million annual lease for Fulton taxpayers.
Catholic Program to Put Ten Commandments in Catholic Classrooms Complements Louisiana's New Law to do the Same in Public Schools
- By If U Love Me
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- When Ed Van Buskirk, founder of God's Recipe for School and Family heard that Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed law HB71, requiring all public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, he was overjoyed and commends those legislators for their courage to pass this bill. Van Buskirk's God's Recipe for School and Family program provides images of the Commandments for Catholic school children and their families.
Van Buskirk sold his successful tech company in 2018 and founded If U Love Me, a nonprofit ministry whose mission is "To restore the Ten Commandments in our world of confusion," based upon the words of Jesus in scripture from John 14:15:
"If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments."
'One Million Souls Campaign' Launches with Powerful New Film 'The Firing Squad'
- By One Million Souls Campaign
Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Kevin Sorbo Join Movement to Ignite Nationwide Revival, Sharing Messages of Hope and Redemption
LOS ANGELES -- The team behind the upcoming national theatrical release of The Firing Squad is excited to announce the launch of the One Million Souls Campaign, an ambitious initiative to ignite a nationwide revival and bring 1,000,000 souls to Jesus Christ through the powerful messages of hope and redemption shared in the film.
Directed by celebrated Christian filmmaker Tim Chey, "The Firing Squad" stars acclaimed actors Kevin Sorbo ("God's Not Dead," "Let There Be Light"), Cuba Gooding Jr. ("Jerry Maguire," "Selma"), and breakout star James Barrington. Premiering in theaters nationwide on August 2, 2024, the movie chronicles the journey of men in a third-world prison who discover faith in the face of execution.
Tim Scott's Important Message
- By Star Parker
South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott hosted an event in Washington, D.C., marking the Juneteenth holiday, which showcased why he has been included among the candidates Donald Trump is considering as his running mate.
Juneteenth, now a national holiday, commemorates June 19, 1865, the date of the final implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation in the State of Texas. It's considered the official end of slavery in the United States.
Scott's event, attended by a list of major Republican donors, which I also had the privilege of attending, was entitled the Great Opportunity Policy Summit.
This following the announcement of Scott's Great Opportunity PAC of plans to spend $14 million on outreach to Black and Hispanic Americans leading up to the presidential election.
Abortion Lobby Launches $140 Million ‘Offensive’ Campaign: Expert
- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
The abortion industry has committed more than $100 million to put an abortion-expansion agenda at the center of the 2024 elections, a strategy an expert commentator called “offensive” and “scandalous.” Yet pro-life groups have set aside tens of millions of dollars to mount an underdog, David-and-Goliath campaign to protect life from Joe Biden and the Democrats this November.
Powerful Democrat-aligned lobbying groups, amply funded by abortionists, announced two separate initiatives to bend national laws to their financial benefit this week. Planned Parenthood plans to spend $40 million on phone banks, door-to-door canvassing, online and television advertising, and direct mail aimed at turning out voters in Arizona, Georgia, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
The Propaganda of Calling Birds Dinosaurs
- By Charles Creager, Jr.
One of the long-term claims of universal common descent evolution is that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs. Now there are problems with this claim but that is not what we are addressing here. In recent days they have not just been claiming the birds evolved from dinosaurs but that they actually are dinosaurs. Yes, you heard me right, they are literally claiming the birds are living dinosaurs. The propaganda value for this is so obvious, particularly when dealing with young children is enormous.
Sit-in at the Department of Justice in Support of Pro-Life Political Prisoners: Nine Young Activists Risk Arrest
- By Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
WASHINGTON -- Nine young anti-abortion activists are risking arrest during a sit-in protest in support of nine pro-life inmates, and against the Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act).
More than thirty activists from Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust will assemble on the corner of Pennsylvania and 10th NW, outside of the Department of Justice on Thursday, June 27th at 12 noon. They will call for the pardon and release of the nine anti-abortion political prisoners and the repeal of the FACE Act. Nine youths, representing the nine individuals who were politically targeted by the Biden DOJ, will sit down outside of the entrance of the building.
Mystery $1.8B task force advised by firm with Trump ties
- By Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
The task force created by Gov. Henry McMaster to investigate an unclaimed $1.8 billion is getting advice from an international law firm that specializes in defending clients facing possible or actual federal investigations, records show.
The Atlanta-based King & Spalding firm also has ties to former President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, according to media reports and court records.
At the June 4 meeting of the “working group,” which McMaster created on April 11, King & Spalding attorneys “provided legal advice” to the group, which included representatives from the governor’s and attorney general’s offices; S.C. Treasurer Curtis Loftis, state Comptroller General Brian Gaines, state Auditor George Kennedy and S.C. Department of Administration Executive Director Marcia Adams, as well as staff members from those agencies, according to written meeting notes.
- Using Ukraine to Defeat and Breakup Russia
- Victims of Biden Administration's Illegal Immigration Policy
- Are the Dark Ages Returning?
- The WHO Power Grab Has Been Slowed, Not Stopped
- South Carolina Ranks 45th Most Independent of 50 States
- Iran Enhances Underground Nuclear ‘Bunker’, Heightening Fears of Accelerated Weapons Development
- Republican Nominee for SC House District 20 Endorses Ben Carper for SC Senate District 6
- Democrat Party Holds America Captive
- 'Better Greenville' Dark Money Supports Both Republicans and Liberal Democrats
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