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Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 09:41 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


At the outset it must be candidly acknowledged that there are those in America that sincerely, for whatever reason, identify with the policies of the Democratic Party. The same must be said of those that sincerely, for whatever reasons, identify with the policies of the Republican Party. There does not seem, in recent history, that such a diametrically opposed vision for America presented itself as in the last national election. The battle, it seems, is for the mind of the individual and how to sway it to your vision. What arguments advanced had credibility and relevance to most Americans?

Fortunately speaking, as a Republican, the majority of our legal citizens have recognized the failure of Democratic Party Policy in our last national presidential election. The average citizen has finally repudiated, no matter how sincerely believed and advocated by others, the vision of open borders, coddling of criminals, allegiance to a world government concept instead of allegiance to the United States, suppression of free speech and free opinion about current issues anywhere-especially religion, reckless pursuit of environmental issues (including weather) with foolish and disastrously expensive proposed solutions with very questionable results, open and public worship of many human perversions as normal activity required to be accepted and honored by all, calling men women and women men and marginalizing and ridiculing those that have a right to publicly disagree, required gender pronouns, political correctness instead of common sense, favoring aliens (legal and illegal) over American citizens and taxing Americans to support aliens-legal and illegal, murder of innocent and defenseless pre-born babies, reckless spending for foolish projects, ruthlessly abandoning prevalent energy sources and forcing on the nation new, expensive and untried or fully available sources, and abandonment of family values and, most sadly and most disastrously, abandonment of God and His Word in the incarnate Jesus Christ.

The Democratic Party and its policies presently have no credibility and the party is no longer relevant to a growing number of average Americans.

As instruments of persuasion, Democrats have had the constant, unwavering support of Hollywood, the entertainment industry in general, singers, professional athletes, college and university professors, high society sexual perverts and perverts everywhere and especially constantly before the public the mainline news media.

These staunch supporters live in well paid for ivory towers and are isolated in everyday life experiences from the average American. Many spend more money on their appearance than the average family does on their mortgage. None are today credible and their views, often fostered on the public about politics, are irrelevant and foreign to the problems of average citizens. How can those influencers identify with and give advice to people who live precariously from paycheck to paycheck and endure a near disaster if they miss just one; and, are running up high interest credit card debt just to pay rent and buy groceries for their families. Many barely exist. Americans are drowning while these folks live in luxury homes, pent houses and yachts; and, give advice to them about political leaders. Many advisors are spending more money on facelifts than the average family can afford to correct serious health issues.

Hollywood actors and actresses have no credibility. They have no relevance. They will repeat any line they are paid to repeat as Oprah Winfrey and others have shown during the last election cycle. Nor have all left the country that claimed they would leave when Trump was elected the first and second time. Who believes what they say? They play roles in movies and they play roles in life to the highest bidder! They live in wealth and security and the problems of everyday life are foreign to them. Their language, usually profanity laden, drips with hate of those who dare disagree with them!

Popular singers have had great, huge events of hate against Trump and those who support him. Their political endorsements meant nothing! As with actors and actresses they, most often also, speak filled with hate and profanity rather than any logic or reason. They are irrelevant to society! Singers will sing for whoever pays the piper. Their lifestyles are often tragic and alcohol and drug filled. They are not role models for our youth. Professional athletes are little better in their hate. Why should anyone consider their opinions viable about anything?

Colleges and universities across this nation are overwhelmingly administered by Democratic Party hacks and captive students taught by Democratic Party socialist professors. Rather than simply teach various basic subjects they engage in social engineering through brainwashing of students. They are also out of touch with the average American. They suffer no personal responsibility for any error in their opinions, philosophies or policies they attempt to foster on students. They live in ivory protected towers of tenure. Have no worries about job loss, housing or medical care except for extraordinary situations. They despise God and His Word. Many influence others to also despise God and His Word. They have captive audiences to indoctrinate at a parent’s expense; and, intimidate any with looming fears of bad grades for contrary political, religious, social or moral views and opinions. They can freely ridicule a lowly student with arrogance. What student in his right mind wants to upset the person who might determine if he graduates? How many are unwittingly actually influenced? Democratic Party Professors consider themselves wise but truly impress no one but each other. If you want to see Democratic Party anarchy, hate in the streets and indoctrination of students in social engineering at its best visit an ivy league college or university.

But the greatest losers of influencing others, and finally impressively demonstrating their remarkable lack of influence and irrelevance, is the major news media. They have no credibility and are now irrelevant to most in America. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NEW YORK TIMES AND WASHINGTON POST have spent near 10 years daily, seven days a week, 365 days a year in studied, planned and methodical “brain washing” character assassination of Donald Trump and his supporters, attacking, misrepresenting, defaming, despising, and sub humanely categorizing Donald Trump and his supporters. They elevate Joseph Goebbels in his lying anti Jew media brainwashing. He was sadly effective as Germans were influenced to hate Jews. He despicably molded German minds against Jews. These media giants in America tried his brainwashing tactics BUT failed!

On the attack from the start, militant Democratic media presented Donald trump and his supporters, day and night as variously identified radical Christians, white Christian nationalists, un-American, basket of deplorables, womanizers, xenophobic, bigots, Nazis, anti-democracy, misogynistic, homophobic, white supremist, liars, racists, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, misfits, and any other disgusting label that comes to mind they have used it! That is near 3, 650 days, FROM EVERY MEDIA OUTLET HERE NAMED DAILY AND SIMULTANEOUSLY and not just the one you may watch, in constant and unrelenting attack. They spent the same amount of time praising and protecting Democratic Party Policies and its leaders.

But the American people proved nobody believes them!! They have proven they are not credible after 10 years of constant effort! What are they good for except to get advertiser money from Democrats? They have proven themselves irrelevant with no real following except Democrats.

The same can be said of Democratic Party hacks in the federal government and state government who have spent years bringing and fostering lawsuits to destroy Donald Trump through the AWESOME power of federal and state government apparatus and mountains of tax money to support them! Trump has defeated them. The Democratic Party is no longer relevant to any sane person and that conclusion is proved by the fact that only these named groups of people publicly support Democratic Party policies.

Republicans have proven to be the silent majority. They are supporting their families, do not have time for or seek recognition or public debates and quietly express their opinions BUT VOTE! May they always vote and encourage others to vote.

State Democratic Party hacks now, after the election, have taken to the Democratic media, that will support and justify them, after the election in deep blue states, and are fortifying and entrenching themselves in hate filled anti American and hate filled seditious Democratic Party Sanctuary cities, some 300, preparing for open revolt against federal government laws and recent mandate of the electorate. After all, they know better than ignorant voters!

They cannot brainwash the general public anymore to defend their policies, they can’t get legislation passed they like-so as all Democrats have done in the past they threaten to enter the streets with lawlessness, violence and mindless resistance to law, as they have many, many times in the past, fully armed with hate. They openly encourage sedition to protect people in this country illegally. That includes simply those that arrogantly defy law to enter the country, live in lawless subterfuge after that daily, other criminals, gang members from Venezuela and cartels from South America. If aliens are here legally, legally passed laws protect them and they do not need Democratic Party protection. Only illegal people who break our laws need to fear the federal government but Democrats have announced the intention to protect them against American citizens anyway!

Truly, what does the average American with a family and job have in common with these Democratic Party Policy supporters? What will America be if they prevail with illegal immigrant support? After all there are millions of them! If not corrected now the problem only grows!

Jim S. Brooks, retired, inactive attorney, 225 Heather Drive, Spartanburg, S.C., 29301, 864-909-3695, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (November 23, 2024)