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Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 09:13 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994



Contrary to the reasoning of Stephen Goss outlined in his letter printed some time back in an upstate newspaper, neither “illegal aliens” nor “legal aliens” should have a right to vote in any American elections; nor specifically, should “LEGAL aliens” be granted a right to vote in “local” municipal elections simply based on a “moral right and that right based solely on the fact they pay some “local” taxes! 

Legal aliens and illegal aliens are forbidden by Congressional statute to vote in federal elections. Each state, however, has its own laws as to who is allowed to vote in state and local elections. But “Illegal aliens” have no legal right to even be in a state at all-much less vote anywhere! States may control their voting qualifications for residents but the federal government has absolute jurisdiction over “presence” of foreign citizens.  “Legal aliens” do have a right to be in the United States under “many” statutory categories but they cannot be defined as statutory “immigrants”: but no alien, legal or illegal, should have the legal right to vote in any local America elections!

In our federal immigration statutes, there is an unbelievable long list of foreign aliens here on visas “legally” for multiple legitimate purposes, but none should be allowed to vote nationally or locally; and, none, though “legal aliens” are statutory “immigrants.” But even as a statutory immigrant they owe allegiance to another foreign nation until naturalized.  Only those who enter our country legally for naturalization are statutory “immigrants.” Each and every one of those other “legal aliens” are legal citizens of foreign governments that might be an adversary to the United States and they owe their legal allegiance to those countries. In 2023 there were some 47,000,000 “aliens” in the United States. Of those some 12,000,000 are “illegal aliens” and 35,000,000 “legal aliens” Democrats want some of those “legal aliens” (the number living in municipalities seems unknown) to have some voting rights! There is a large number of “temporary visas.” In fact, it is tricky and confusing the way Democrats list foreign nationals in our Country to cover their statutory definition!

The term “alien” is simply the federal statutory term for “non-citizen” (one who owes allegiance to a foreign nation.) It is simply a “status” category. It, alone, is not a character designation. The facts surrounding an alien’s entry into this country determines if that entry is “legal or illegal”. How an alien enters our country also immediately defines his “character.” If you are here “legally” it is evidence you have good moral character.

If you are here “illegally” it raises a near conclusive presumption from your knowing your entry is illegal  and that that you have a bad moral character with illegitimate  intentions. If you have no federal documents to verify the legality of your entry, it is almost conclusive that you are an “illegal alien” and have no credibility or “good moral character” about anything you do or say. You could have misplaced your documents, of course, but federal records would show if you were recorded as “legal”!

Therefore, anyone here “illegally” cannot be federally “statutorily defined” as an “immigrant”, i.e., such as “undocumented immigrant” as many operatives of Democratic Party Policy so erroneously and knowingly designate them. Most here “legally” cannot be defined as stator immigrants either. To be an statutory immigrant you must enter the country legally for naturalization. Others who enter legally cannot be statutory immigrants. They cannot be “documented immigrants”. But for pure propaganda and brain washing purposes the Biden administration has required such designations by federal agencies in order to soften the impact of their true identification as foreign nationals. The false “immigrant” designation brainwashes the mind to a better disposition of their entry and their character. It is to “whitewash” many people of inherent bad character! Many here as legals properly refer to themselves in their statutory capacity and not immigrants. But the Biden administration who demonizes others for “misinformation” purposely spreads disinformation!!! This is intentional Biden government deception.

When Donald Trump was president, 4 years, the “illegal alien” designation dropped nearly one million. When Joe Biden entered office the protective gates on the border were opened and in just 2.5 years, Joe raised the number of illegal aliens to an additional 1.7 million erasing the Trump accomplishment. “Legal aliens” also dramatically increased. That is easy to do, just drop the standards for visas. Biden has demonstrated how easy it is to raise illegals to legal. In one example he simply gave green cards to millions who otherwise could not come here and “paroled them” into the United States. Biden has “flown” many hundreds of thousands here and they now have gangs from Venezuela controlling sections of the country. News Nation reports there Venezuela gangs operated in 16 states.  Since they are here on legal visas, they could claim the right to vote.

And for the same propaganda purposes mainline news organizations, being democratic party propaganda and brain washing advocates in policy beliefs, knowingly repeat the same statutory untruth about how to whitewash the true status of aliens! It is simple government planned brainwashing to obscure uncomfortable truth”

Even so, at first blush the emotional and political context of paying taxes, even just locally, without a voice in local government policy about the levying of those taxes seems an injustice to some. It is an injustice to most who propagate the Democratic Party policy of open borders and world view government as opposed to patriotic American views: but Stephen, individually, seems concerned. He is sincere enough to express his opinion publicly in a “red” state. So, he must expect a “red state” response!

But also bear in mind, at first blush, that an “alien”, either legal or illegal owes absolutely no legal allegiance or patriotism to the United States nor any state or any locality in his daily actions. He owes you as an American citizen “nothing.” But he does want something from you! An alien’s legal allegiance and daily thoughts are to the country of their citizenship and their government can legally demand their loyalty. As such, the United States government and local American governments owe them no right to vote at all on any grounds!! The critical importance of Allegiance cannot be discussed enough. Who can honestly justify the citizens of a foreign, perhaps hostile, nation the right to vote in a nation to whom they have absolutely no allegiance but legally owe their heart and allegiance by law to a foreign country; but nonetheless with seeming conviction, strongly advocate such aliens should have a “right” to vote in local American elections that affect American public Policy? Some people want to believe that man is basically “good.” But history has proven, from the beginning, that not to be so!!

Such a spurious voting right is a Pandora’s Box that possibly could not be closed once loosed and produce a movement that could not be restrained or corrected!! It has already started! Before the enabling acts of the socialist and world government advocate, Joe Biden’s Democratic Party Administration, I could only find one local municipality that allowed some local voting and, understandably, it was in California.

But now encouraged by the atmosphere created by Joe Biden’s Democratic Party Administration patronage we now have several local governments in Maryland, California, Vermont, and the District of Columbia who allow limited “legal alien” voting by the citizens of a foreign nation in some limited issues since Biden’s inauguration.  These states that allow such voting are deep blue Democratic states with their own unique “social engineering” views. Those blue states allow citizens of another nation with legal allegiance to another and foreign nation the right to decide public policy issues in America in their jurisdictions!

Paying “taxes” without representation is also an emotional issue, particularly in the United States! It has a history in the United States! But that historical issue was between “admitted citizens” and their “admitted sovereign government”. It was not, as today, between “legal or illegal aliens” with citizenship in another foreign nation” and to whom their “allegiance was owed” and their present host nation (United States Federal or state government)! But Goss tries to present a parallel comparison! Does the advancing of such an argument presume Americans are not bright enough to see such an explosive difference! Does Goss assume that average Americans are ignorant of their history and are therefore easy to advance his argument? Maybe he, himself, simply did not know American history. Incidentally, how many Americans in our education system were told that or know it now?

The colonists were “self-admitted citizens” of the British Empire, whose legal government was England, and easily admitted they had a “legal” allegiance and “patriotism” to England-which they renounced because they felt their allegiance owed government had failed them in its responsibility to them. “Aliens here”, today, do not legally owe any allegiance or patriotism to and are not citizens of the United States, nor any state, nor any local government or to any United States citizen. Those just mentioned American governments and sub governments have no citizenship obligation to such aliens that they may claim as breached. Aliens owe their allegiance to another and foreign country. Most have a long history, religion, culture, social, family bonds and loyalties there that may never dissolve. Coming here in such mass numbers they are, by necessity, forming their own colonies in states and municipalities. There they form replicas of their foreign national cultures, language and religion and do not assimilate. And since many are legal, they advance their cultural views in national and local elections. Many future issues will come up that will require decisions as to loyalty. How will they decide in a critical time for America? How many are possible “sleepers” to awaken in time of need by their foreign and perhaps adversary governments? In those many millions here how many were sent for a purpose by their government?

Just because, as a legal alien, you may legally “occupy space” with your physical body in some local government jurisdiction in the United States that, alone, should not additionally enhance your status to a “right” to vote!

Stephen does concede that only “citizens” should vote in state and national elections, but feels at least that his concept of “legal aliens” should be morally, even though not presently inherently legally, entitled to vote in local elections; and, that right simply based on their paying some taxes to their local taxing jurisdictions. They are not denied any services as presented by Stephen and they receive the service as do their fellow citizen residents. How does paying your fair share and receiving your fair share of services entitle you to also vote?

Advocating “alien” voting rights in local elections simply founded, per se, on some vague and inconclusively defined and justified “moral right” issue raises an alarming and disturbing red flag. Once conceding the “moral right” argument locally it could be dramatically and easily expanded, legally or illegally, to state and national elections!! Once the foot is in the door it is hard to close the door after that!  Just look at the pure “invasion” of our now porous and undefended American borders by citizens of foreign nations coming to establish and “take” their rights!

After all, there are income taxes and many other “taxes” also paid by some “legal aliens” to state and federal authorities and to other authorities.  Stephen, while not intentionally deceptive, but consistently with National Socialist Democratic Party Philosophy fake news media’s orchestrated “brain washing” tactics, softens and modifies the proper but seemingly harsh federal statutory term “alien” to new 1984 “Newspeak” terms, i.e.: “illegal immigrants” and “legal immigrants” in his letter! Such “soft” wording is suggested by the Biden administration to present a false picture. Repeat a lie long enough to the public and before long it becomes a “known fact.” But, according to federal statute anyone here illegally cannot be also statutorily defined as an “immigrant”. “True” immigrants have a respected position but not illegals.

The term “Illegal aliens” are softened by Democratic Party brain washers to intentionally political and propagandized innocuous “illegal immigrants” or “undocumented immigrants”! Even “documented” immigrant! Many people are here legally and temporarily just for business or other statutorily defined legal purposes-but they are not immigrants. Why should they vote? They knew their status when they came. They knew there were taxes here! Is the public actually being groomed or brainwashed by the Biden Administration with new descriptive but deceptive terms? These new terms almost, in the mind, raise “illegal” to “legal.”

The new 1984 Orwellian brain washing term as is now presently advocated by President Biden’s administration is “undocumented immigrant.” “No longer a statutorily defined “illegal” or “legal” “alien”; and, no longer even an “alien”, just harmless and docile “un-documented immigrants.” Newspeak was designed by Big Brother in the novel 1984 to MOLD and limit thought and subtly remold “free speech” of the populace to Big Brother’s concept of free speech! Deceptive “brain washing” at its best! Words and the mind picture they present are crucially important in brain washing and decision making! It prepares the brain to receive, mold and form opinions, voluntarily, to what the government wants and has placed there! Get the public to think in terms of the new words you give them!!!

The federal statutory definition, however, of anyone in the United States not a citizen is simply “alien.” The facts surrounding that presence here determine whether it is “legal or “illegal.” Paradoxically, some unquestioned United States citizens, and certainly legally here, such as drifters, transients, visitors and tourists pay some form of local taxes such as Accommodations and Hospitality taxes, even sales taxes but are forbidden to vote locally. Should they be entitled to vote if in the jurisdiction during election week? Might they be allowed a mail in ballot?

Some “non-resident” but United States citizens may also pay real and personal property taxes locally; or, for other services! Do they also, under Steve’s argument, have a “moral right” to vote locally though not a resident or personally within the jurisdiction at elections? These mentioned American citizens do not mock and willfully breach our laws to enter and remain in the country as “illegal aliens” do! The deceptive, but intended “moral right” trap is: that once a “non-citizen alien”-even a legal one-gets on local voting roles with other necessary state identification, or receive a state driver’s license, the inevitable next step, as a “moral right”, is simply to advance the right to also voting in state and national elections because they pay taxes to those jurisdictions! The deceptive new privileges and official documents can be easily expanded and abused!!

That is very probably the specific intent of the Democratic Party if the public falls for Stephen’s National Socialist Democratic Party deceptive “woke culture” and “social engineering” farce!! Steve, himself, apparently just honestly believes the propaganda of the Socialist Democratic Party! Such social engineering is wide spread. The New York Daily News reports that leading advocates in the National Socialist Democratic Party who advocate that “legal aliens”, who have no legal Allegiance or Patriotism to the United States, should nonetheless be allowed to vote in local municipal elections, include the Democratic mayor of New York City, Eric AdamsHe tried it and made it an issue of it but the New York courts vetoed it!

Deceptive and untrue terminology by the Democratic Party is monumentally important. It is intended to deceive and present lawless lawbreakers as just “next door”, every day folks and just infringing, almost inadvertently, a little bit in their hasty desire to be here.  An “illegal alien” full well knows his status and tries to hide it! A  “legal alien” also full well knows his status when entering.  If he or she is here illegally, he or she is not an “immigrant.” Immigrants-to be so defined by statute-must be here legally-that is entering to seek nationalization as a citizen. If that were the case no need to hide! There is no such thing as an “undocumented immigrant” if he or she is “undocumented” they are here illegally. If he or she is here without documentation it is illegal.

They are “illegal aliens.” It is like trying to get sympathy with a jury for a bank robber to say: “What I really am and what I did is not all that bad! I simply, innocuously, made an “unauthorized withdrawal”, because of “great personal need”, from a bank that has lots of money and would not miss it, and I should not be identified or considered a “lawless bank robber”! How evil can a simple “unauthorized withdrawal” be so bad when you are in need. I am being deprived of my rights by uncaring and prejudiced people and I demand redress and apologies”

If you want to vote or make bank withdrawals-follow the law and become a “citizen” for voting in addition to being a “resident” or just “occupying” space! And, put money in the bank to withdraw! Mr. Goss acknowledges services such as schools; police, fire, roads, etc. are available to all locally (citizen or alien). He does not claim a tax paying “alien” is denied some “services” because of a citizenship issue. So, what is the problem? Why would “illegal aliens” or even “legal aliens” as non-citizen aliens also be entitled to more privileges just from doing (paying taxes) what citizens locally are also doing and receiving the services? 

Stephen states he is now a citizen: it follows therefore, by virtue of that fact, Steve now has valid standing concerning “citizens’” privileges and his representation of anything before his respective governments, “but” he also now has, by virtue of citizenship and his naturalization oath to the United States, important and distinguishing “additional personal obligations that “aliens” do not have” 

Stephen’s new citizenship “carries” legal Obligations but also has Privileges: (one obligation is “legal”, enforceable, personal Allegiance to our governments) and especially to our nation that “aliens” don’t automatically assume when they enter the country Additionally, even some citizens who permanently reside outside a locality may also pay some taxes locally but that does not, per se, give them the right to vote locally without residency; and, additionally, they may not even personally receive the services paid for!

Voting in American elections, rightfully, by law is generally reserved to citizens primarily because of the legally enforceable “allegiance” owed to our governments and obligations the governments have to citizens! “Allegiance” is not just a fancy, weightless legal ease word or slick words of “art” or of oratory. Allegiance and has a long profound historical and legal repercussions for citizens! It draws a huge distinction between aliens and citizens!

Non-Citizens (“aliens”: legal or illegal), whether they like it or not, are subject to existing law when they arrive here and do not have the legal or even “moral standing”, as citizens do, to criticize being denied some “citizenship privileges”, such as voting. However, the seditious anti-American National Socialist Democratic Party does advocate borderless “world citizenship” with no allegiance, patriotism or affection for any particular host country; but, is focused on pure self-gratification to be freely obtained from any country.  But even that farce should not include the right to vote “everywhere” as a transient, temporary resident or tourist! As a world traveler may you vote in each country as you pass through? Should you be allowed an absentee ballot?

Legal aliens have a remedy if they do not like our laws, simply stated they can go home or to another country. If they are already “legal aliens”, but did not originally enter for naturalization,  they might pursue “naturalization” and voice their opinion legally after becoming a citizen. If they are “illegal aliens” they should be arrested, prosecuted and when they have served their prison term, if any, sent back to their native country.

Criminals, identified as those who enter the border illegally, should never be offered citizenship! They broke our law in entering the country and broke many laws daily in subterfuge since. Many are illegally aided by Democratic Party Sanctuary Cities and states. “A path to citizenship” is just the Democratic Party policy of officially recognizing and approving their criminality, making a criminal a citizen and giving him a legal license to continue their criminal habits in the open rather than the shadows. The Biden administration proposes giving nearly seven million “illegals” here a green card (that makes those criminals “legal”) and start becoming citizens. According to a House Committee on the Budget about eight million border encounters under Joe Biden have occurred. Nearly 2 million are “gotaway” aliens. Who knows their true purposes? The Biden administration purposely opened the borders!

Mr. Goss, glibly it almost seems, had introduced the thought that the very prominent tax issue without representation that was certainly present during our American Revolution, and advocates it as some bold and persuasive argument!  But it is a desperate, disparate and actually a spurious association between that respected historical voting representation issue; and, the true taxes issues of true legal “citizens” from over 250 years ago, with the present statutory defined “aliens, legal or illegal” voting and representation claims!! 

His association is an absolutely merit less, absurd and even ludicrous, attempt at comparison; and, a shallow effort to couple a creditable and respected historic argument that had real significance, then advanced in America, about representation of actual “citizens” with their acknowledged government to whom they actually owed legal allegiance (England); with, Goss’s present “disingenuous” claim of social engineers of admitted non-citizen “aliens” with a host government to whom such “aliens owe no such  allegiance” and, in fact, that government may not recognize them as legally present to begin with but as lawbreakers in entering the nation; and, illegally, but if their presence turns out to be  legal, riding the welfare system designed only for citizens for free, much less  also having “moral” voting rights!!

The Colonists and the British government then admitted there was a “citizenship relationship” and that an “allegiance issue” existed between them! We have no citizenship relationship in the present argument with “aliens”.

The Colonists eventually formally “renounced” their “admitted” legal allegiance in the Declaration of Independence and intended to and did use force to terminate their legal allegiance to England as citizens! Taxes without representation was one very prominent issue among many! The Crown responded by attempting, militarily, to enforce the allegiance of Colonial “citizens” by miliary force and criminal claims of “treason.” Only “citizens” can be charged with treason as it is a violation of “legal allegiance.”  

The American Colonists, at all times, referred to themselves, in their initial petitions to King George III in the Declaration of Independence, as “American Subjects”, “English Freemen”, “fellow subjects with people in Great Britain”, “fellow citizens” and other variations of the same theme; and, those are “citizenship” claims that require government response because of mutual binding obligations and privileges between governments and citizens (not governments and “aliens”)! King George, III responded with treason accusations! Present aliens in the United States have no inherent legal allegiance requirement to the United States and cannot be charged with treason for certain acts committed and detrimental against the United States! 

“Aliens” have absolutely no legal allegiance to the United States to violate! Aliens actually owe legal allegiance to their “country of birth or, and they often demonstrate their loyalty in the near past in American streets, as lawless mobs, extolling their native cultures and waving their native flags: that is strong evidence of their true identification and true allegiance! They just want, as bank robbers, to take what working “citizens” of this nation have built over centuries!

In an address to Parliament King George III specifically stated the colonists had “renounced their allegiance.” (See also, Petitions of Continental Congress: October, 1774; July, 1775 and Declaration of Independence 1776). The Colonists never referred to themselves as “non-citizens” or “aliens” of any status while bemoaning non-representation rights about taxes! They did mention “physical” departure from England (emigration: (note the “e” not “i”, i.e., “citizens” from one part of the British Empire to another part) and emigration to the colonies, but their allegiance by law to the British Empire followed them to any part of the British Empire or other countries, and; they finally, specifically, renounced their acknowledged “allegiance” (loyalty obligation to the Crown as subjects or citizens).

“Moral right voting” on the issue of taxes and the association of obscure “moral rights” with the American Revolution is simply another “Big Brother” attempted historical “truth” revision by anti-American, seditious and liberal socialist Democrats to rewrite history with the motive of knowing deception! Their political model is “Big Brother” of the novel “1984”. In Big Brother’s “nurturing” attitude citizens were taught: “War is Peace”; “Freedom is slavery”; Ignorance is strength.” Big Brother controlled all sources of information and simply changed recorded history to suit his present government philosophy and policy.

In other words, only Democratic Party government policy (and government history) is to be believed- “not truth”. Government alone is to be worshipped. Government alone is your religion and master. In 1984 Government Ministries daily misrepresented the news according to changing party policy. What might be claimed as government “fact” today may not be a government “fact” tomorrow. All existing records were on government computers and simply erased and changed as the need arose. Current Party Policy, to them, was truth for the nation! Big Brother’s Policy changed often so “truth” and “history” changed often!

“Legal aliens” should not be allowed to vote anywhere in America and “illegal aliens” should be arrested, even if in seditious Democratic, anti-American jurisdictions with their families whom they full well knew they were placing in danger of deportation and therefore intentionally done with intent, and deported. Innocent families, if any, should look to who brought them here illegally to begin with for blame and not to authorities rightfully enforcing Congress passed laws.  

One day this nation will be so divided by strongholds of foreign cultures, traditions, religions and languages with huge populations that could not blend and become fragmented and divided into many adversary groups-no longer homogenous and the flame in the Statute of Liberty will go out-it is flickering now!

Secure the borders! Welcome and open arms to all but screen them before they get here. That is what immigration law is about. After they are here it is too late! We are, as a nation, sinking into lawless and division and we know a major reason why!

Jim S. Brooks, retired, inactive attorney, bar #911, 225 Heather Drive, Spartanburg. S.C., 864-909=3695. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., November 29, 2024