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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 06:56 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Pregnancy Resource Center that was Recently Firebombed.
Pregnancy Resource Center that was Recently Firebombed.

WASHINGTON -- Just last week, the Biden Administration announced President Biden will host the "United We Stand Summit" at the White House to "counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety."  See link:  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-hosting-unity-summit-against-hate-fueled-violence/

In an email sent to the White House and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan E. Rice, Stanton states:

"Since May 2, life-affirming centers like Stanton Healthcare and churches all across American have been subjected to violent and hateful attacks because of their pro-life beliefs and values.

"In fact, like so many other centers, Stanton had to spend thousands of dollars to hire private security firms to protect us from fire bombing, vandalism, death threats and other acts of violence. We live daily under the threat of violence."

In light of these attacks, Stanton Healthcare is asking the White House to include them as a participant in the "United We Stand Summit." Stanton would be a representative of the thousands of life-affirming clinics, centers and churches that face these threats of violence.

Stanton Healthcare is a women's healthcare provider which specializes in serving women with unexpected pregnancies by providing professional medical care, practical and emotional support, women's wellness care, and a special outreach to refugee and marginalized communities. Stanton is based in Idaho with affiliates across the U.S. and internationally.

Stanton is part of a women's movement which has over 3,000 pregnancy resource centers across the nation.

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare, states:

"For those who disagree with the Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade, directing revenge and retaliation on centers like Stanton Healthcare is misguided, hateful, anti-women and must be personally condemned and stopped immediately by the Biden Administration and federal law enforcement. All Americans should be free to peacefully express their beliefs in the public square without the fear of violence and hate.

"This is why it is so important for Stanton to be involved in the United We Stand Summit. There must be a voice for the thousands of life-affirming centers that are under attack."

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Chief Strategy Officer for the Stanton Public Policy Center, comments:

"If life-affirming centers are excluded from this summit, it will clearly show the event has become politicized and the Biden Administration is only concerned about violence against communities, organizations and ideologies they agree with and politically support. It would be tragic if that happened as President Biden must call for an end to violence against all Americans.

"With the future of abortion being such an important conversation taking place across America, it is critical for millions of pro-life Americans to know the Biden Administration will not tolerate violence and hate against our community. Simply stated, we do not feel safe."