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Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 05:32 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


VoterGA LogoLAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. -- A team of Gwinnett County residents, including many VoterGA volunteers, have presented a stunning 37,500 sworn and notarized affidavits to the Gwinnett Voter Registration and Elections Division. Each affidavit challenges a Gwinnett County voter roll entry as invalid. A disturbing 20,000 of those entries are shown as voting in the 2020 election although research found they were ineligible. That number vastly exceeds the 11,779-vote margin in the Presidential contest.

The challenges chiefly involve entries for voters who do not live at the stated address such as:

  • Voters who moved out of the county;
  • Voter roll entries with non-existent addresses; 
  • Voter roll entries with illegal, blank or non-permanent addresses.

The team found nearly 15% of all Gwinnett voter roll entries have invalid addresses.

In addition, the team found a variety of other problems including:

  • Duplicate voter IDs for the same voter;
  • Gwinnett election votes cast by voters in other counties;
  • Voters who cast votes without being listed on any Georgia voting roll.

The project team consisted of many experienced election integrity advocates who analyzed voter rolls for ten months using a variety of public records to determine accuracy of the entries. The team previously presented sample challenges to the elections division which confirmed the challenges were "nailed down tight." The Gwinnett County Election Board approved most of them and removed the invalid entries or placed the entries in challenge status.

The team also discovered Marc Elias' Group, (ELG), a highly partisan, D.C./Seattle-based law firm, wrote an 8-page letter to Georgia counties attempting to intimidate them into keeping ineligible voters on the rolls. Gwinnett resident, Kevin Grindlay's 9-page rebuttal contends:

"ELG misstates the law in an obvious attempt to keep 'voters’ on the rolls who should not be there. We believe this letter is motivated not by a desire to protect the rights of legitimate Georgia voters, but rather to facilitate widespread cheating in our state's upcoming elections."

Team leader Merrybelle Hodges, a descendant of Button Gwinnett, who signed the Declaration of Independence, explained:

"Until the approximate 20,000 vote challenges from the 2020 election are addressed, inaccurate voter rolls cleaned up and Georgia election laws are followed, the people of Gwinnett will never have safe, secure and honest elections."


VoterGA is a non-partisan, 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization created by a coalition of citizens working to restore election integrity in Georgia. We advocate for independently verifiable, auditable, recount capable, transparent and tamper proof elections.