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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 10:59 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Blount: A leadership that does not hide behind polished words or wrap itself in political games

Benton Blount Mug

Current District 19 Greenville County Councilman Benton Blount has announced he is putting his name in to run for Chairman of Greenville County Council, a decision he says has not come lightly but by those who have supported him and not about recognition or title.

He has made it very clear that he will not be a polished chairman and that Greenville needs that. He said that polished politics is "one of the reasons so many have grown disillusioned with government. Too often, leaders seem to put on a polished persona in the council chambers, only to take it off the moment they leave. That’s not who I am, and it’s not who I’ll ever be."

He said that despite having only been on County Council for two years and not having years of experience with parliamentary procedure or using fancy terms that make politics feel distant from everyday life, he would be a leader who will speak to you and not over you. He expresses the "belief that government should be a reflection of its citizens, not a stage play where people act the part of a leader but fail to embody it."

Blount makes it clear that he wants to hand Greenville County's local government back to its citizens who own it. That message resonates clearly with Greenville County voters who just gave the Conservatives a mandate by electing four new conservative members (Garey Collins, Frank Farmer, Kelly Long, and Curt McGahhey) who replaced what some call RINOs or moderate Republicans who voted to raise taxes and did everything they could to cause trouble for the incoming new councilmen and their Conservative colleagues already on council. This new influx has clarified that County Council will change in January and the people of Greenville will get their voice back where it belongs.

These new councilmen bring a fresh conservative perspective and a commitment to the values that resonate with the voters who elected them. Their presence on the council is expected to steer the county in a new direction, focusing on fiscal responsibility, community safety, and common sense economic growth.

Overall, the election of these four conservative councilmen marks a significant shift in the county's leadership and power along with existing conservative councilmen. In so doing, it has made it possible for Councilman Benton Blount, no longer a freshman, to seek the reigns of chairman and lead this new conservative mandate, and give back the local government to its people.

It is yet to be seen if any other councilman will put their hat in the race for chairman, but the rumor has it that Blount is the choice. If so, we believe Greenville County is in for an unconventional ride for the better.