Columbia-Alex Jones' Infowars website based in Texas started a caravan to arrive at Washington, D.C. on Saturday and stopped at each state capital along the way. They arrived at the S.C. Statehouse on Wednesday night at 10:00 pm. Despite the late hour, bad weather, social media censorship, and short notice, approximately two hundred people showed up to greet Infowars.
Owen Shroyer and his crew, leading the caravan in their Terradyne armored vehicle, arrived at the capital and then led the crowd in singing the national anthem over his bullhorn. They were well-prepared and then went to the Statehouse steps and presented charts and graphs, lit with portable lights held by their crew, which showed how the presidential election was stolen from President Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.
Shroyer said that the Mayor of D.C. did not want a rally on Saturday and was using COVID-19 as an excuse to try and discourage people from coming, demanding social distancing, etc. along with a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
After the Infowars caravan departed Columbia, they headed towards Raleigh, N.C. for another presentation on Thursday, and from there to Richmond, VA. They are currently in Washington, D.C. preparing for the Stop the Steal rally as a show of support for President Trump. As of this writing, the D.C. police have shut down streets to force participants to walk in.
Check these videos out of event and more photos below:,,,,,,,,