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Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 05:10 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Will this nation, early fertilized with the Word of God, actually terminate the end of our gestation period and survive as a true majority Christian nation?  

Those early settlers that fled to our shores in the 1600’s from many nations abroad were originally seeking to simply worship, serve and openly share with others the Word of God as recorded by God for our spiritual life and rest in His Scriptures. They gathered in this new undefiled, free environment with like-minded groups. Their hope here was to be utterly free from the interference of a single legally established national Christian Church (Catholic or Church of England); and, free from their spiritual restraint and free from their compulsion into their ritual “worship” practices according to the concepts of those “established” churches through their “secular administrative” governments.  Those secular administrative governments, and Churches, “mandated” and “ruthlessly enforced” the daily doctrines and rites of a single chosen, nationally established and exclusive “Christian” Denominational Church that ruled in many countries. Those secular administrative governments did it for their political purposes and not God’s purposes.

The Christian Bible was to be their “sole” spiritual guide here in a new land untouched by religious stagnation and outright hatred between Protestants and Catholics! Who, those Churches reasoned, could murder the most innocent people in the name of God! In this virgin America early settlers were free to at least associate with any Christian Denominational Church they chose that best represented their opinion of their relationship with God. They were sincere and gave up much just to be here! If an individual did not agree with the doctrine and theology any one Christian Denomination, then they could freely express themselves and join another. It was not perfect and there were many early theological disputes even among those early competing denominations. Some even ended in violence. It was not easy to free themselves from early doctrinal strife-but they persisted!

There is never full unanimity of opinion in large groups. There was not even 100% unanimity in the Apostolic age! But, in America, it was a “fresh” beginning after 1400 years of major stagnation from the Apostolic age. Their central desire was simple liberty to openly and freely worship God according to their individual conscience and it was in fact a novel return to the era of the Apostles when at least the Word of God and Spirit of God guided true believers in those early churches. But there was disagreement even then! But you could early openly disagree and debate among believers without fear of burning at the stake or being drawn and quartered for your faith by secular or “Church” administrative government.

Our America nation was conceived in the overall concept that all men are equal before God, even though a significant minority then did not practice it; and, that each individual will one day stand before God on his (or her) free conscience interpretation and application of the Scriptures to their own individual relationship with God. Further, that we will “all” be ultimately judged on the thoughts and actions of our own individual hearts and not the hearts or doctrines as interpreted by others and forced on others. We are what we produce from our hearts-thoughts and actions. Apple trees are apple trees before the first bud appears.

Free men cannot truthfully be required to outwardly honor, advocate and support a “Christian” church doctrine they do not in their heart believe to represent the will of God! All should be free to read and discuss the Scriptures, and particularly the central theme-Jesus Christ-and not be physically forced through fines, imprisonment or death to abdicate and mute their own individual conscience. Some “Churches” claimed heavenly authority and power; and, threatened and did attempt to impose spiritual death and eternal hellfire by excommunication.

God does not “threaten”, He simply tells the truth of automatic, built in consequences of rejecting truth, and sadly, many even “freely” reject the Good News, but all should “freely” hear it and discuss it. Jesus, in love, taught pure truth and reconciliation with God freely: but He never coerced others! He told absolute truth and the horror of rejection truth. He is Truth-not doctrine. Some freely believed. Many, freely, didn’t! It was and is an individual free decision not group coercion.

Our nation in the late 1700’s (we were already a nation of people with common experiences for near three hundred (300) years) miscarried (not aborted) through an administrative, but intrinsically weak, secular government confederation compact named The Articles of Confederation but we did not cease to be a nation when we formed that compact nor cease to be a nation when it inherently dissolved from its own imperfection. We, as a nation, were simply conceived again into a stronger administrative form of secular federal government. Thank God, we conceived into a another stronger, compact of administrative secular government under two of the most extraordinary documents in secular administrative government in all of history: The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. They were, originally and are today if honored, a bright and guiding light in that era as compared to the shadows in the vaunted and slow developing English Magna Carta of 1215; or, of the even darker French Declaration of the Rights of Men and of Citizens after their revolution in 1789. America began our new gestation toward a fully free Christian nation and prospered for one hundred sixty (160) years through strict adherence to Founding Fathers wisdom. We had many spiritual warts-notable among them was slavery-but overcame them in our maturing gestation development!

The French Revolution, however, sank into the wholesale murder of many hundreds of innocents at the guillotine for simply being born into the now hated status of birth or having the simplest difference of opinions to those who administered the ideology of the revolution; and, those deaths and the theft and destruction of property then, tragically, evolved into the wholesale slaughter of “many hundreds of thousands” murdered in war and a Continent-wide destruction in Europe under Napolean. It was near twenty-five (25) years of abject misery in France and Europe since 1789! It was 25 years of their sharing of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” with others. They mentioned nothing of the Word of God. America was growing healthy but France grew sickly and died as the oppressive monarchy returned!

In the 1940’s, in America, a national spiritual abortion procedure began an attempt to terminate our gestation and separate our nation from those principles in the Constitution and Bill of Rights founded on true “Biblical” Christian Principles. It began in an attempt by liberal justices of the United States Supreme Court, wanting a “living” constitution that changed with the whims of the court and not national amendments; to fully suppress and silence the Good News of God from the Scriptures about Jesus Christ and they therefore initiated an abortion procedure to destroy those vaunted documents and the life initiated therein. Some Supreme Court Justices have intentionally denied the people of this nation, especially children, the right to hear about God and Jesus Christ; and, instead, to transform loving Biblical teachings into their version of “hate speech”. Many even position the Words of God as a threat to their concept of “democracy”. Some voices even advocate actual dangers in the Constitution. They shuttered and still shutter the free expression of the Word of God in public schools and secular government; and, now strive to darken even the non-governmental sector.

Will we survive in our gestation to full birth? The spiritual abortion procedure was nearing full termination of gestation until a bump recently occurred-Dobbs v Jackson, (597 US 215, 2022), in the supposed “right” to physical abortion in the Constitution.) Understand the Supreme Court simply truthfully said the right to abortion did not exist in the Federal Constitution but states can still give it, deny it or regulate it according to the culture of the people through elected officials in each state in legislation or state constitutions. The issue is open to free debate rather than suffocated by the US Supreme Court. It was exclusively a state issue under the original constitution and Bill of Rights in 1789 and 1791: now the issue is properly returned to the jurisdiction of the states for open debates. Our federal constitution is temporally refreshed but still on life support!

Secular federal government suppression of the life promoted by the Word of God continues in posting of the Ten (10) Commandments.  On a lawn in Texas OK as a history lesson (Van Orden v Perry, (545 US 677, 2005); but, not OK on the lawn in Arkansas if was just put up to promote religion. Forbade inside court houses in Kentucky in McCreary County v American Civil Liberties of Kentucky (545 US 844, 2005) as it is promotion of religion. Also, the federal Supreme Court does not allow them in public classrooms. Stone v Graham, (499 US 39, 1980).

Christian prayer is not allowed in public schools by the federal Supreme Court. Engel v Vitali, (370 US 421, 1962).

Until the 1960’s each state properly regulated prayer and 10 commandments in schools and courthouses according to the culture of their individual states, etc. Most allowed, some even required. The US Supreme Court simply usurped jurisdiction and did away with them and substituted the Supreme Court’s opinion for the local opinions of fifty state courts and legislatures.

The “nation” has come nearly a full turn-around from our initial seeking God and growing in the Word of God some four hundred (400) years ago into alternate secular federal government religion seeking and serving Satan through our individual internally secret but now public carnal desires based in lack of or unbelief of the Word of God. Will we as a nation spiritually survive this gestation or be spiritually aborted? Which national political party best supports the original constitution. What good is our conviction if we don’t vote?

More importantly what about our individual spiritual life? You are what you believe! Do we receive our doctrine of life from the internet or the Bible? If we claim the Bible but do not tell others about Jesus Christ or amend our own lives-what good is it?