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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 04:02 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


WASHINGTON -- The announcement came hours before Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution led a protest in front of the Department of Justice in Washington, DC demanding the Biden Administration and federal law enforcement protect the pro-life community from continued acts of violence and attacks.

Firebombing of Pro life Clinic Outside of Buffalo

The FBI, on November 14, said it would be offering up to $25,000 for help identifying suspects who threw Molotov cocktails at a pro-life medical clinic in Buffalo, New York, in June.

Here is a link to a news article on the FBI reward:  https://www.mystateline.com/news/national/fbi-offers-25k-reward-for-suspect-in-firebombing-of-anti-abortion-clinic/

Since May 2, when a leaked draft of the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision was released, Stanton Public Policy Center and other national pro-life organizations have been critical of the Biden Administration's failure to protect pro-life centers and their repeated attacks against peaceful pro-life activists.

Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution is a women's advocacy and educational group that works on issues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally.

Here is a statement from Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution regarding the FBI's $25,000 reward:

"While Stanton appreciates the FBI's small step in offering this $25,000 reward to help find suspects in the firebombing of this life-affirming clinic, quite frankly it is 'too little and too late.'

"Since May 2, life-affirming centers like Stanton Healthcare and churches all across American have been subjected to violent and hateful attacks because of their pro-life beliefs and values.

"In fact, like so many other centers, Stanton had to spend thousands of dollars to hire private security firms to protect our clients and staff from firebombing, vandalism, death threats and other acts of violence. Yet, not one arrest has been made to stop this violence – while scores of peaceful pro-life advocates are being arrested.

"This small $25,000 reward smacks of tokenism and is not a serious effort by the Department of Justice and the FBI to end violence against the pro-life community. It is also shameful for the nation's most prestigious law enforcement agency, with a budget in the billions, to offer citizens money to do the job they are refusing to do.

"Stanton will never be silent until this violence against our clinics, the professional medical staff who work there, and the women who use our services and free from these kinds of attacks."