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Sunday, September 8, 2024 - 09:48 PM


First Published in 1994


Rev. Patrick Mahoney and Danielle Versluys, of Stanton Healthcare, drop off letter to Idaho Attorney General.
Rev. Patrick Mahoney and Danielle Versluys, of Stanton Healthcare, drop off letter to Idaho Attorney General.

BOISE, Idaho -- Below are portions of a letter written to General Wasden by Stanton Healthcare:

There is a strong possibility that Roe v. Wade will be overturned with the Dobbs case decision due later in June from the U.S. Supreme Court.

In light of that, what assurances can you give the people of Idaho that chemical abortions (also known as the abortion pill) will be treated in the same manner as surgical abortions under Senate Bill 1385?

According to Chapter 6, Title 18, Idaho Code: 'Abortion means the use of any means to intentionally terminate the clinically diagnosable pregnancy of a woman with knowledge that the termination by those means will, with reasonable likelihood, cause the death of the unborn child...'

It is our understanding that this definition includes chemical abortions, which are intended to terminate the life of a preborn child.

This effort is part of Stanton Public Policy Center's national campaign #BanChemicalAbortions and #ProLifeProGreen

It is critical for the pro-life community to address the growing issue of chemical abortions as they now account for 54% of all abortions – up from 39% in 2017.

Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution is a women's advocacy and educational group that works on issues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally.

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare, states:

"Our goal is to end chemical abortions through public engagement, education, life-affirming public policy, and legislation. The pro-life community, and all who embrace human rights, must passionately stand against this barbaric practice which kills innocent children, harms women and damages our environment."

Stanton's National Campaign of #BanChemicalAbortions will include:

  • Ensuring all states with trigger laws in place to ban abortions when Roe v. Wade is overturned will treat chemical abortions in the same manner as surgical abortions.
  • Draft model legislation for states to ban chemical abortions.
  • Organize public rallies and demonstrations across the country calling for a ban of chemical abortions.
  • Work with legislators on environmental laws to prevent children who have been killed through chemical abortions from being flushed into local sewage and drainage systems.
  • Provide educational materials for pro-life organizations and churches regarding the harmful effects of chemical abortions.
  • Work with federal, state and local pro-life politicians on detailed public statements regarding banning chemical abortions.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Stanton Public Policy Center's Chief Strategy Officer, comments:

"With the dramatic increase of chemical abortions, we must hold our public officials accountable with respect to treating chemical abortions in the same way they would surgical abortions. We call upon Attorney General Wasden to publicly assure Idaho residents he will follow the law with respect to chemical abortions when Roe v. Wade is overturned."


SOURCE Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution