NORCROSS, Ga. - Georgia Right to Life, (GRTL) working in conjunction with Georgians Ending Abortion, announced that they applaud and stand with Representative Emory Dunahoo of House District 31 for filing House Bill 496, the Georgia Prenatal Equal Protection Act. The bill awaits a hearing in the House Public Health Committee.
While running for re-election last year, committee chair Sharon Cooper publicly stated to her constituents that, "Every human life is a precious gift. I fought for those who could not protect themselves. With your support, I will continue to be a voice for the voiceless in Atlanta."
"Since Rep. Cooper believes that every human life deserves protection, she has a God-ordained responsibility to treat the preborn child like a person—and grant them the equal protection they deserve," said Ricardo Davis, president of Georgia Right to Life. "I am calling on Rep. Cooper and the members of the Public Health Committee to take immediate action on HB 496 and support its passage in the House of Representatives. If they believe life begins at the moment of fertilization, then actions speak louder than words. I am calling on all legislators, pro-lifers, pastors, and churches to stand for those who can't defend themselves."
HB 496 would lead to the end of elective abortion in the state of Georgia by providing equal protection to all preborn Georgians beginning at fertilization.
Because of flaws in the 2019 heartbeat law, abortion remains a profitable business in Georgia. In fact, thirteen abortion mills are flourishing, attracting women from other states, and making Georgia an abortion destination state for expectant mothers.
More than 34,000 babies were murdered by abortion in our state in 2021—almost 100 a day, making abortion a leading cause of death among children in our state. Thousands of innocent lives are ended unjustly every year without the legal protection enjoyed by every born person in Georgia.
In his official statement, Representative Dunahoo said:
"This bill will open the doors to save the unborn child and to eliminate abortion completely."
Current Georgia law already defines a person to include, "a natural person, which means any human being including an unborn child." GA Code § 1-2-1 (2020).
Georgia law O.C.G.A § 16-5-80(d) says a person commits the offense of voluntary manslaughter of an unborn child when such person causes the death of an unborn child. However, if a pregnant woman consents to an abortion, there is no crime and this statute does not apply.
Furthermore, the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides, "No state shall... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
If we truly believe that a fetus is a person, then the laws which protect born human beings must equally protect those not yet born.
"We are fighting for justice for innocent preborn lives. It's the same justice afforded other children in Georgia," said Davis. "There is a growing number of post-abortive women who are supporting this legislation and who acknowledge that if abortion had been illegal, they would not have chosen to end their child's life. We pray for the healing of these women. We also pray that our legislators, citizens, community leaders, churches and pastors will stand for equal protection for the pre-born."