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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 05:04 PM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- Nine pro-life activists are facing up to 11 years in federal prison for a peaceful sit-in at a late-term abortion center in Washington, D.C. in 2020.

The “Garland 9” will face sentencing in the Washington, D.C. federal court between May 14 and 31. They have been in jail since September of 2023.

The Christian Defense Coalition calls upon Congress to hold hearings on this misuse of power by President Biden and the Department of Justice against the pro-life community.

What makes the actions of the Biden Administration even more troubling is the double standard of justice Palestinian protesters are receiving after their arrests in comparison to the Garland 9.

Many of the 2,800 Palestinian protesters were involved in attacking police officers, destroying property, causing graduation commencement ceremonies to be cancelled and threatening and attacking Jewish students. Yet, the overwhelming majority of these demonstrations will face no criminal charges or lengthy stays in jail.

If President Biden can weaponize and politicize the Department of Justice, then all Americans are in grave danger if they have differing views and beliefs from the current Administration, especially the pro-life community.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition based in Washington, D.C., comments;

“There is no justice or freedom in America if the Biden Administration can target pro-life activists with the potential of 11 years in federal prison for their peaceful sit-in at a late term abortion center and yet turn a blind eye to violent Palestinian protesters across America.

“If President Biden can weaponize and politicize the Department of Justice against their political enemies, then all Americans are in grave danger if they have differing views and beliefs from the current Administration, especially the pro-life community.

“We call upon Congress to hold immediate hearings on this misuse of power by the Biden Administration and the Department of Justice against the pro-life community.”

As national spokesperson for Operation Rescue, Rev. Mahoney was arrested numerous times for his peaceful pro-life work and faced millions of dollars in fines.


SOURCE Christian Defense Coalition