Confusion reigns supreme in the puzzling and sometimes rancorous discussions of who or what is a “right winger” and a “left winger” in the realm of modern and often contentious and deliberately misleading American political debate. Most of us have been programmed for decades by the liberal “mainstream” (left-wing, fake news) media (most newspapers, ALL TV network news, talking “heads” on MOST cable news shows, etc.) to accept their incorrect descriptions that communists and socialists are “left-wing”, and fascists and Nazis and white supremacists are “right-wing”. Americans are often dismayed when they discover that what they’ve been told is truth by those they trusted is a semantic and political deception and an outright factual LIE!
The most plausible (to me) explanation of how the terms “left-wing” and “right-wing” came about goes back to just before the French Revolution in 1789. In the French Assembly, those who generally supported the Monarchy (king, queen, nobility, government bureaucrats) were said to stand or sit on the King’s right in the Assembly. Those who wanted to change French society by abolishing the Monarchy, including using violent means if necessary (the Illuminati/Jacobin factions), stood or sat on the King’s left. “Rightists” were those who supported the government and all of its real or perceived injustices; “Leftists” were those who wanted to change French society as quickly as possible, using whatever means were required, including extreme violence. The violent “leftists” eventually emerged victorious, until even stronger leftist demagogues introduced many of their former willing accomplices in violence to “Madame Guillotine”. Eventually, an “opportunist” French general born on the island of Corsica, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), became head of the French government in 1799 after a successful ‘coup d’état’, and then grabbed ALL the power in 1804 and declared that he was now the “Emperor”, which is a fantasy of present-day leftist progressives, members of the despicable Klan of New Bolsheviks (formerly Democrats), and closet Marxists in the U.S.
I’ve always subscribed to the “Political Spectrum” explanation of the late, great Robert Welch, Founder of the John Birch Society in 1958. Back in the late 1960s or early 1970s, I first read his common sense explanation of the REAL differences between “left” and “right”. Those differences revolve around the AMOUNT OF TOTAL POWER AND CONTROL exercised by the members of various forms of government. In terms we all can understand, when political power is increasingly controlled by the government, this must invariably result in the people having less and less power, and thereby less and less control over their own freedoms and their own destinies. When government CONTROL AND POWER becomes absolute, or TOTAL, and “people power” becomes essentially nil, then that is the definition of 100% repressive left-wing government, and those who subscribe to and support that form of government are accurately referred to as “left-wingers” or “left-wing extremists”.
On the same political spectrum, there obviously is a “right” side. So then, what is the OPPOSITE of TOTAL POWER AND CONTROL—i.e. total government? Wouldn’t the exact opposite be NO GOVERNMENT AT ALL? Seems to me it would. I believe that is called ANARCHY, or no government control, where “everyone does what seems right in his own eyes”, as God’s Word explained long ago. “Anarchy” means ‘rule by no one’, and is just as detrimental and hazardous to human liberty as is total government. In fact, in the long history of mankind, whenever ‘anarchy’ reigned for a time, it soon morphed into a tyranny or dictatorship or rule of “the strong man” over the weak. As the ancient Greeks wisely reminded us: Without law there can be NO freedom. But as history has also taught mankind, WITH TOO MUCH LAW FREEDOM CAN BE EQUALLY ENDANGERED!.
We must always remember Lord Acton’s wisdom: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” That maxim has never been abrogated! Our Founders back in 1787 gave us the ancient Latin: Res Publica (the peoples’ thing); or as we call it today-- a Republic, governed by the oldest written Constitution known to man (which describes our U.S. Constitution). A concerned woman, a Mrs. Powell, asked Ben Franklin, at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, “What kind of government have you given us?” To which the senior statesman replied, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it!” In today’s America, it is becoming more and more “murky” whether or not Americans can keep their constitutional republic and, sadly, whether or not the majority of Americans even want to do so.
For many reasons, large percentages of our countrymen, particularly the younger generations who have been either “mal” or “non” educated about truthful American history and government, seem to have no strong dedication to the principles that identify our Constitutional Republican form of Federalism, and which have served us well since the time of our Founding Generation. Too many Americans of all ages accept the politically correct dogma that ever-growing socialist government is good, and that efforts to curtail government services designed to “help people” (and the costs be damned) should be looked upon with suspicion, especially if these attacks against big government are proposed by politicians and/or groups that are perceived to be “conservative”, which in today’s modern “mal-information” equates to “bad, greedy, uncaring, unsympathetic, extremist, militaristic, jingoistic, evil, and just plain wrong”!
So just “who” belongs where on the political spectrum? Imagine a straight line as that spectrum. There’s a left, a middle, and a right. On the FAR LEFT SIDE are communism, repressive socialism (which is incorporated into all leftist forms), Nazi-ism, Fascism, Extreme Nationalism (as in pre-WW11 Japan), and Total Power Monarchies (as in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Persia, Napoleonic France, or Saudi Arabia today). On the FAR RIGHT SIDE is anarchy, or rule by no one (except perhaps whoever has the “biggest sticks” and controls the biggest MOB). In the MIDDLE of the spectrum, slightly to the ‘right’, is the U.S.A.—people who live under a Constitutional Republic, where we elect people to represent us and look out for our interests and safeguard our liberties, and where WE, THE PEOPLE, can exercise the real “term limits” envisioned by our Founders and vote them out of office should they disappoint us. (I’m glad that I’m a ‘middle-of-the-roader!)
In addition, please realize that “White Supremacists” usually masquerade as members of patriotic or heritage organizations, but invariably identify with the “Skinhead” movement, which is closely related to the Nazi/Fascist philosophy of racial superiority. Despite their use of genuine symbols of patriotism and resistance against tyranny, such as the U.S. flag, the Gadsden Flag, and the Confederate Battle Flag (among other hi-jacked symbols used by the quite small White Supremacy movement), this is essentially a LEFT WING movement pretending to be what it is NOT--(not Christian—not conservative—not truly American). Violence is endemic among its public meetings and forums, sometimes perpetrated by its members, but often directed against it by rival or competing groups claiming to “resist” its message of racial superiority; groups like the totally violent FASCIST MOB known as “Antifa”, and similar law breaking hordes of leftist losers and malcontents—because violence in all of its manifestations is ALWAYS a mark of leftist movements and intimidating leftwing MOBS, and has been throughout history.
One thing to keep in mind as we close out this brief discussion of the political spectrum (left vs. right) is that those of the left—the socialists, the fascists, the Nazis, the communists, the extreme nationalists--almost always have two things in common: They want to eliminate God—eliminate Christianity or any organized religious system, but ESPECIALLY Christianity--AND they want to build a one-world (or one continent or one country) government, to be run by THEM, and the bigger and more powerful that government becomes, the better they like it, because then they can exercise the extreme control over all of the people that they lust after. Today this “lust” for the control of all of mankind by treacherous and treasonous globalists/internationalists is manifested in their slogans: THE NEW WORLD ORDER and THE GREAT RESET. Comrade Pseudo-President Biden and his communist/collectivist masters love to spout those slogans constantly. But if that “vision” of a collective “utopia” comes to fruition, the only winners will be the top echelon of that NWO! All the rest of us will lose—will lose our freedoms, our free choice, our constitution, our free enterprise system, our freedom to travel to the destination of our choice whenever we choose, our right to raise our children as WE see fit to do, our freedom to worship God as our consciences dictate, and our freedom to peacefully assemble and petition our government for a redress of grievances. In short, we will lose much of everything that makes life worth living, we will have succumbed to the “power of the Beast”, and freedom will be dead for untold numbers of generations.
If that sort of world is acceptable to you, then sit back, do nothing, and it will be upon us sooner than you realize. But if you value what our Founders gave us long ago and want to preserve what is left of the free nation that our people once valued so highly, then DO SOMETHING---write emails or letters of protest to all your various elected representatives in all levels of government---call them or visit them in their offices---run for a local or state or federal office---just DO SOMETHING except complain to the wind! And if you want to increase the effectiveness of your concerns, join with us in THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY (JBS.ORG) and determine, once and for all, to stand and be counted, to resist the darkness of collectivism that is not so slowly enveloping all of us.
Long ago a group of brave men (bolstered I’m certain by their equally brave women) banded together and “fired the shot heard ‘round the world” on Lexington Green. Later their compatriots pledged to each other “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor”. THAT is what it took to earn their own freedom and send it down the long corridors of time to us. If push comes to shove, how can we do any less? Always remember the truth of Edward R. Murrow’s statement: WE ARE NOT DESCENDED FROM FEARFUL MEN! That doesn’t mean that in the heat of political or violent confrontations with the enemies of our liberties that our ancestors weren’t, or we won’t be, afraid. They surely were afraid, and we may and probably will be that. But “being afraid” is not the same as succumbing to “fear”. Some of our American ancestors fled from the field of battle in fear of what they perceived to be a superior force, but enough of them stayed and faced down their fears and ultimately they prevailed. Fear paralyzes one from further action, and often causes one to retreat from the field of battle. Being “afraid” may bring about caution and/or a temporary reconsideration of one’s course of action, and then proceeding, but not allowing fear to overcome one’s sense of duty. That is the difference between success and failure of any endeavor, including the battle that American patriots are now waging to save our Constitutional Republic.
In the times when our minds tell us to fear because the battle seems hopeless, let’s recall the words of our Heavenly Father, who reminded us:
“Do not be afraid of them, For I am with you to deliver you,”, declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 1:8)