- The Assassination of Donald Trump and The Revenge of MAGA
- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results, Shatter Secretary's Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- A Different Focus on Biden July 11 Press Conference
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
Ten Republican Candidates in “Take Back America Forum”
- By Bob Dill and Arthur Hampton
Dr. Ben Carson received thunderous applause at the “Take Back America Forum” because of his strong stand against taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and their harvesting and sale of aborted body parts.
The Heritage Action Presidential Candidate Forum at the Bon Secours Wellness Center in Greenville, SC, September 18, 2015, was hosted by former United States Senator and current Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint; Heritage Action for America Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham and South Carolina Governor Nikki Randhawa Haley.
The ten candidates participating in the forum, with approximately 25 minutes each in the spotlight, were Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Gov. Scott Walker, who has since dropped out of the race; Gov. Chris Christie, Dr. Rand Paul, Sen. Rick Santorum and Gov. Bobby Jindal. More than 10,000 people attended the forum that lasted more than 5 hours.
As the crowd gathered for the event, they were greeted by dozens of individuals from around the state and nation carrying signs and flags protesting Gov. Haley’s controversial Confederate flag decision.
Three Hour Trump Bash/Carley Boost
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Republican National Committee (RNC) arranged with liberal leftist Cable News Network (CNN) to host an event for all Republican presidential candidates at the Reagan Library in California last week. The poorly veiled goal of the “forum” was clearly understood to be to knock Donald Trump out of first place in the polls. The format was petty, spiteful and childish. The moderator tried hard to create feuds between Trump and the other candidates. Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and even Mike Huckabee resisted the encouragement to attack the front runner.
“Mr. Trump, you have been critical of Mrs. Fiorina’s appearance, tell her what you think of her appearance.” was the tone of the typical question. Trump overcompensated with something like: “She is a beautiful woman with a beautiful face.” Then Rand Paul, who apparently thought he was being overlooked and shortchanged on television time, chimed in. He opined that it was inappropriate for Trump to criticize the personal appearance of ugly, fat and otherwise unattractive people. That was an opening that the witty Trump could not allow to go unnoticed.
Pro-Confederate Flag Protestors Send Message to Governor Haley During Heritage Action Forum
- By Arthur Hampton
Confederate Flag supporters greet Heritage Action Forum Attendees as they protest against South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley for removing Confederate Flag from State House grounds monument.
Republican Candidates Told They Must Defend Obama
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Trump don’t think He is Morally Obligated to Defend Obama Every Time Someone Says Something Bad About Him
On Thursday, the day after the candidate forum at the Reagan Library in California, Donald Trump was taking questions from the audience at an event in Rochester, New Hampshire. A man in the audience addressed Trump and said, “We have a problem in this country. Its called Muslims.” He went on to say that we know our current president is one and they have training camps around the country and he asked what Trump would do about the problem.
Trump did not agree or disagree with the statement of the questioner. “A lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there,” Trump responded. He promised to look into the alleged problems.
Everyone from Lindsey Graham to Hillary Clinton cut loose on Trump for not challenging the questioner and Defending Obama by telling the man he was wrong and that Obama was a Christian and not a Muslim.
Religion Enters the Presidential Race
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Dr. Ben Carson introduced the subject of religion into the presidential race last week by questioning the depth of faith of Donald Trump. Trump wisely did not take the bait and responded by questioning Carson’s energy level. Quickly, Carson apologized for his comment and said he did not want to enter “that arena.”
Religion of a sort is already in the race. Former Senator Rick Santorum is a very devout Catholic and Mike Huckabee is a former Baptist preacher who abandoned that calling for politics and show business. On occasion, Huckabee also plays bass guitar with rock bands.
Most of the Republican and all of the Democrat candidates consider themselves too “elite” to be bothered with such a “private” matter as Christianity. After all, someone may become offended.
In Defense of Kim Davis
- By Frank Hall - Greenville, SC
I am amazed at the volume and viciousness of the nonsense being generated by the illegal and unconstitutional incarceration of Kim Davis in Rowan County, Kentucky. If you don’t understand what is going on (as opposed to what should be going on) please be sure to read Mike Scruggs’ article in the 9/9/15 issue of The Times Examiner. He did a fantastic job of exposing the legal fallacies of those who think Kim did something wrong and should be jailed, fined, and fired. I beg your indulgence for a few seconds while I expose their logical fallacies.
They claim to base their arguments on Amendment XIV of the U. S. Constitution, which says (in part) “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Therefore (they claim) all Americans are under the equal protection of the laws, and homosexual couples must be allowed to obtain marriage licenses and get married the same way heterosexual couples do. “It is the law of the land because five Supreme Court Judges said so.”
Future of Greenville County EMS Remains Uncertain
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Republican Support for Governor Shrinks in Recent Poll
A poll taken by Public Policy Polling, a Democrat public opinion firm, conducted between September 3 and 6 found a large shift of Democrat support to Governor Nikki Haley after she led the stampede to remove the Confederate battle flag from the Soldiers Monument at the State Capitol.
While Governor Haley and the NAACP took credit for the attack on South Carolina Heritage that culminated in removal of the flag from the monument, Democrat Party Chairman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz took credit on national television for the coordinated coast to coast uprising that pressured the Republican dominated state legislature to succumb to the demands of the Governor and all the leftist organizations that have destruction of all things “Southern” as their long-term goal.
The Evangelical Attraction To Donald Trump
- By David Brody
I get this question a lot so I figured I better write about it. Here it is: “Why are evangelical voters attracted to Donald Trump? I don’t get it.” Well, you may think the answer is a complicated one but actually it’s not. Let me explain.
Donald Trump operates in a world of absolutes. A world of right and wrong; a world of winners (him) and losers (McCain, Perry, etc); a world of put up or shut up (literally). Trump’s world is colored in black and white. Their ain’t much grey. And what does Trump get for speaking out so boldly without holding back? Public ridicule.
Now, think of conservative evangelicals. In their quest to champion biblical values, their mindset is much the same. It is a world of absolutes. They believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God. Non-negotiable. They believe there is only one way to heaven and that is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Non-negotiable. They see the world through the lens of spiritual warfare (good vs. evil). And what do evangelicals get for speaking out so boldly without holding back? That’s right: public ridicule.
Future of Greenville County EMS Remains Uncertain
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Council Resolution Tosses Decision to Hospital Systems for Joint Agreement on County EMS Operations
Two months ago, it appeared as if the Greenville County EMS operation would be turned over to the Greenville Hospital System. A deal had allegedly already been worked out with the County Administrator. The problem was that it had not been approved or even seen by Council and St. Francis did not like it at all. The deal, in their view, was stacked against their business interests. Then for the next several meetings of the Council, the Council chambers were filled with supporters of the Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital System. The hospital administrators made their case and accused the administrator of not operating above the table.
As opposition to the plan developed by the Administrator grew, Council members that were inclined to support the plan became skeptical. Finally, it was too controversial for the Council to decide and they approved a resolution drafted by Councilman Willis Meadows that asked the two hospital systems to develop a proposal for the two health systems to operate the EMS system jointly. They were given until the end of September to respond to the Council.
Children of Conferacy Attend Pioneer Day in Gray Court, SC
- By Pam Evans
On Saturday, September 12, 2015, Caroline S. Coleman 537, Children of the Confederacy,attended the 13th annual Pioneer Day at Culbertson Backcountry Settlement in Gray Court, SC, hosted by Henry Laurens DAR Chapter. Sixteen Caroline S. Coleman chapter members from five Family History Finding Regiments participated in the event, which was described as "a family fun day to walk through history." Chapter members marched in the walking history parade, held at the beginning of the day's activities. They carried a beautiful banner, designed and constructed by Carol Leake, President of Oliver Thompson 1850, UDC, our sponsoring chapter. They were able to interact with Native Americans, re-enactors from the Revolutionary War, the War Between the States, and the Musgrove Mill Militia.
Destroying the Symbols of History
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Americans are horrified when they see televised images of radical Muslims destroying ancient Christian works of art and structures in Iraq and other far-away countries. At the same time, elected officials in this country are turning their backs and some are leading in the desecration and destruction of historic symbols and monuments as part of politically motivated mass hysteria known as Confederaphobia.
Recently Kenneth Neill of Unionville, Tennessee, expressed the feelings of many native Southerners in a letter to a national magazine.
“As I’ve watched the news recently since the tragedy in Charleston, the reaction and over-reaction by so many leave me wondering if this is what going insane feels like. We’re hearing ignorant, misinformed statements and downright lies concerning not only the battle flag but other symbols of our heritage as well.
Are Your Prayers Answered?
- By Frank Hall - Greenville, SC
Islam has turned this world into a giant horror movie. On six of the seven continents Muslims are chopping off the heads of Christians, Jews, and anybody else that refuses to convert to Islam. They are burning people alive, and shooting them down like ducks in a shooting gallery. Have you, like me, prayed and prayed begging God to put a stop to this epidemic of evil? Do you wonder why God doesn’t seem to hear, or doesn’t seem to care?
Thousands of years ago Habakkuk wrote lucidly as he experienced the same dilemma: “O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! Even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!” I can’t say it any better than Habakkuk did.
Citadel Surrendered to Political Correctness
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Citadel Will Receive Sword of Confederate Officer Killed in Action Without Mention of Confederacy
The Citadel, South Carolina’s military academy has a proud unsurpassed history that has inspired students and graduates to achieve heroic excellence in battle since the early days of the Republic. Sadly, political correctness that has spread Confederaphobia throughout academia has now infected the formerly proud Citadel.
Next week, the current caretakers of the Citadel will degrade the memory of a graduate of the first Citadel class who died heroically in battle. Some Alumni are unhappy and will not attend the event.
In 1846, Charles Courtenay Tew was graduated from the first class at the Citadel and afterward taught there. In 1857, he was Captain Tew, Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy, a preparatory school for the Citadel in Columbia. In 1858, Tew resigned to found the North Carolina Military Academy in Hillsboro.
Wake up, Greenville!
- By Dr. Christina Jeffrey
March 9th, I opened the Spartanburg Herald Journal and found a puff piece about “Come Closer Spartanburg,” a nonprofit dedicated to fundamentally transforming Spartanburg. Some of their ideas are good, but one idea, the central message of the article, reminded me of the Amnesty campaign of 2013 and the warnings of my daughter who was working that summer at the Institute for Religion and Democracy. She discovered the strong financial support of George Soros, and the Evangelical Immigration Table. Soros is an atheist with roots in multiple projects to fundamentally transform countries. Hello Greenville.
The voice on the heart-tugging Evangelical Immigration Table radio ads that ran all summer was that of Jim Goodroe, who is Director of Missions for the Spartanburg Baptist Network. Dr. Goodroe is a member of the Evangelical Immigration Table, and a founding force in the creation of “Come Closer Spartanburg.” This time, the mission was bringing refugees to the Upstate.
Trump Plans Crack Down on Muslim Immigration
- By Mike Scruggs
Most Other 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Silent
The mainstream media including Fox have apparently not noticed that in Trump’s five-page immigration plan he intends to cut down on immigration from Middle East countries posing a terrorist risk. This includes at least Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and so-called refugees from Iraq and Syria. In fact, Trump plans to increase overall fiscal scrutiny and security measures on our much abused asylum and refugee programs. He is particularly concerned with President Obama’s un-vetted surge of Iraqi and Syrian refugees. Although severe persecution and slaughter of Christian and other non-Muslim minorities in ISIS-held parts of Syria and Iraq is raging, few of Obama’s refugees are Christian or other religious minorities. Trump has also been sounding the alarm about Christian persecution worldwide, but the most egregious cases have been in predominantly Muslim nations or regions.
Governor Haley Seeking National Fame on Backs of South Carolinians
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
According to the Liberal Media, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is a strong contender for Vice President on the Republican Ticket. The first generation American whose parents came to this country from India was elected to her first term as a Tea Party candidate. Alaska Governor Sara Palin came to the Palmetto State and gave her the conservative nudge she needed to win the election. Once elected, she was quick to change her political alliances.
Haley walked away from her Tea Party supporters during the first term and picked up support from the main-line Republicans, big business and the Chamber of Commerce. . In her second term she has aligned herself more with the RINO wing of the National Republican Party that is said to favor Jeb Bush for President and will do whatever is necessary to destroy the campaign of Donald Trump after Labor Day.
Cruz: The President Should Begin Each Day on His Knees
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
If you see a Candidate Washington Embraces, run and hide
Senator Ted Cruz demonstrated his strong conservative Christian values during a rally in Greer, Friday evening. The Senator’s father, Rev. Rafiel Cruz, is a Baptist Pastor and a dynamic speaker well-known among conservative Christians in Upstate South Carolina.
Cruz was interrupted by enthusiastic applause following virtually every statement. He took a couple of swipes at perceived Democrat opponents in the presidential race.
“The Democrat field consists of a wild-eyed socialist with ideas that are dangerous for America and the world and Bernie Sanders.”
Cruz said the President should begin each day on his knees and listed the 5-things he would do on the first day as president.
Clinton Clan Must be Prosecuted
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Loose lips sink ships.” That was the slogan in World War II stressing the importance of safeguarding information that could be helpful to our enemies and harmful to Americans and our allies. The penalties for violating the secrecy laws and regulations were severe. People who violated these rules were sometimes charged with and tried for treason.
There is mounting evidence that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and some of her closest friends and aides have committed crimes pertaining to the legal handling of classified information. This is one of the most serious offenses that a government official can commit.
A new report alleges that two emails containing classified information from two people on Hillary Clinton’s inner circle jump-started the FBI investigation into her use of a private email setup during her time as Secretary of State.
Fifth Annual Faith & Freedom BBQ Hosted by Congressman Jeff Duncan
- By Thomas C. Hanson
Featuring Special Guests Sen. Ted Cruz, Gov. Scott Walker and Dr. Ben Carson
Sanders Wows Large Crowd at TD Convention Center
- By Terry M. Thacker
“BER-NIE! BER-NIE! BER-NIE!” shouted a very enthusiastic crowd of nearly 3,000 supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as he gave a stump speech this past Friday at the TD Convention Center. The event had the feel of a rock concert.
During his almost hour-long stump speech, Sanders, currently a US Senator from Vermont, spent most of his time railing against economic inequality and corporate greed.
“This campaign is sending a message to the most powerful people in the country – you're no longer going to get it all, “ said Sanders. He said that corporate greed is destroying the country and that “it is not acceptable that almost all of the new wealth and income created in America are going to the top one percent.”
Presidential Town Hall with Gov. Bobby Jindal at Wofford College
- By Arthur Hampton
Senator Tim Scott held a town hall meeting Tuesday at Wofford University featuring Louisiana Governor and Presidential Candidate Bobby Jindal and Representative Trey Gowdy. Scott reiterated the purpose of his town hall meetings on several occasions stating, “the purpose of this event is not to give sound bite answers but to get thorough answers to questions from the audience.” Jindal opened by discussing how he and Scott agree on education and the emphasis of choices in this realm.
The most revelant question asked to Jindal from the audience was, “You attended Oxford University on the Rhodes scholarship, which is funded by the Rothschild international banking family, who made their intentions known to establish a one world government or a new world order. What are your thoughts on the Rothschild banking family and do you think that Mr. Scott and Mr. Gowdy’s vote for TPA furthers the Rothschild’s agenda to establish a one world government?”
Lawless Nation: Innocents Are Dying
- By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.
“But if the Watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand.” ~ Ezekiel 33:6
Physicians have traditionally taken the Oath of Hippo-crates to preserve life to the best of their ability and judgment. Your doctor is supposed to be a “watchman” over your health and life. Yet today, with rampant lawlessness on the part of our government leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings—from the most vulnerable unborn babies to America’s bravest warriors—physicians need to sound the trumpet. We cannot remain silent when life is at stake.
At one end of the spectrum the warriors that served our country here and abroad are denied prompt access to medical care when they need it, and many die waiting—either from disease or suicidal despair.
Are Good People an Endangered Species?
About ten years ago, on the occasion of my 60th birthday, I made a comment to the group my wife had assembled. To honor what I knew was a terrific bunch of people I said that, “Everybody in this room is a good human being.” Little did they know they were also shortly to become an endangered species. Without dwelling on the obvious fact that I reserved then and still count now on my place among the “good guys,” let’s talk about the larger premise.
From where I sit, the President of the United States (POTUS) has targeted the good people of America. There is really too much evidence to ignore what Obama is doing. The list of crimes against the honor and integrity of America and its people is, frankly, too long to list here. If you don’t agree with that, well, you simply aren’t paying attention.
Pushed Toward a World Government
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
While the American people are preoccupied with surviving under the Obama Administration, worrying about terrorism and the upcoming presidential election, our Constitutional Republic is being pushed closer and closer to becoming a “nation state” in a world government.
The government and power structure have been pushing our republic toward a world government for decades. The Carter, Clinton and two Bush administrations have quietly pushed the world government agenda along. It was slowed slightly by Reagan. Obama has accelerated the agenda and he will predictably do all he can to push a world government commitment beyond the “point of no return” before he leaves office in January 2017.
At least two generations of students have been brainwashed by public schools into thinking “globally.” Some students were even required or volunteered to sign up to become “world citizens.” This political brainwashing of children will continue under “Common Core” unless a new administration returns public schools to local control and an appropriate curriculum is adopted.
Republican Women Hosting Presidential Candidates
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Carly Fiorina, Dr. Ben Carson Coming Soon
Carly Fiorina will be the Thursday, September 24, 2015, speaker at the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club luncheon at the Poinsett Club. Reservations are requited and may be made by calling Evelyn Hargett at (864) 630-2315.
Dr. Ben Carson will be the guest speaker at a special meeting of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club set for Friday, November 13 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Details will be announced later.
Trump Presented Immigration Plan to Make America Great Again
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
When Politicians Talk About “Immigration Reform” they mean: Amnesty, Cheap Labor and Open Borders.
Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has surprised his critics and supporters by gaining points in the polls each week in the face of predictions that he will self-destruct. In the face of criticism that he is speaking in generalities and presenting no specifics, Trump released a four-page immigration reform plan that is very specific and leaves no doubt as to what his intentions are.
The key to his success is that he is talking about issues that politicians of both parties are reluctant to address. Even if they disagree with some of his fine points, they are glad he is discussing solutions to real problems and the issues that they lose sleep worrying about.
VA Facility Forces 72-Year-Old Artist To Remove Confederate Flag From His Civil War Mural
- By Jonah Bennett
Officials at a Department of Veterans Affairs medical center in Colorado want the Confederate battle flag completely removed from a mural.
The Grand Junction medical facility features a mural of the Civil War painted by 72-year-old artist Lee Bowerman and shows a Confederate and Union soldier staring each other down. Bowerman thinks the decision to remove the flag is unfortunate, but has agreed to do as officials ask. In the meantime, officials have placed a banner to cover part of the display until Bowerman has time to finish the job and remove the offensive elements.
Hollis Elementary Shiree Turner Fowler Named Teacher of Year
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Shiree Turner Fowler, a kindergarten teacher at Hollis Elementary Academy, has been named the Greenville County Teacher of the Year. Fowler holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and social work from Seattle University and a master’s degree in elementary education from City University in Seattle.
Fowler has been a teacher for 12 years, and has taught at Hollis for the past two years.
Fowler wanted to become a social worker so she could create empowering community-based programs for at-risk youth. Once she began working with youth, she realized that although the children needed the programs, they were in need of something much greater. “To improve their lives, they first needed a quality education,” she said. “I became committed to teaching in Title I Schools, which are schools with at least 40 percent poverty rate, because of my commitment to the young people I worked with.”
The Clash of Civilizations
- By Mike Scruggs
The Muslim Immigration Dilemma for the West
In 1992, Harvard professor Samuel Huntington gave a lecture entitled, “The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order.” In 1993, Huntington published the essentials of this lecture as an article in Foreign Affairs. His book by the same name followed in 1996. Huntington’s theory was that nations were already beginning to reorganize relationships and loyalties around cultural rather than primarily ideological and economic factors and that future conflicts would center around clashes of culture. At center stage, once dormant Islam, now blessed with enormous oil wealth, was becoming resurgent Islam, renewing its centuries-old militant religious-ideological based cultural drive for world dominance. Huntington stated:
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