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Friday, January 24, 2025 - 04:44 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


OneBlood Issues Urgent Appeal as National Blood Donor Month Gets Underway

(January 4, 2024 – Orlando, Florida) OneBlood, the not-for-profit blood center serving Florida, North Carolina and much of the southeastern United States is issuing an urgent appeal to the community for blood donations.

All blood types are needed. Additionally, there is an increased need for O Negative and O Positive blood, as well as platelet donations.

“We are in one of the most challenging times of the year for blood collections.  Most schools are on holiday break and people are taking time off. These realities drastically disrupt the donor base,” said Susan Forbes, OneBlood senior vice president of corporate communications and public relations.

“It’s important to remember the crucial role blood donations hold in our community on a daily basis. The need for blood never takes a holiday.  Everyday patients in local hospitals depend on blood donors to live. In an instant any one of us can find ourselves on the receiving end of a blood transfusion,” said Forbes.

60% of the population is eligible to be a blood donor, yet only 5% actually donate.

“If you have never donated blood before, now is a great time to start.  January is National Blood Donor Month, making it the perfect time to start making blood donation a habit. It only takes a little of your time and you will literally be helping give someone a second chance at life,” said Forbes.

OneBlood has also launched new donor reward programs that enable donors to earn additional e-Gift cards. The more you donate in 2024, the more rewards you can earn. (Click here to learn about the whole blood challenge. Click here to learn about the platelet challenge).

“Blood donation is an easy way to make a tremendous impact in the community.  It’s important the blood supply remains at the forefront, that more people step forward to donate and that businesses and organizations host blood drives. Patient’s lives depend on it,” said Forbes.

To find a OneBlood donor center or Big Red Bus blood drive and to make an appointment visit, oneblood.org.  To host a blood drive with the Big Red Bus click here.


OneBlood is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) community asset responsible for providing safe, available and affordable blood to more than 250 hospital partners and their patients throughout Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.  OneBlood operates more than 90 donor centers and deploys nearly 250 Big Red Bus bloodmobiles throughout the southeastern United States for blood drives. Generally healthy people age 16 or older who weigh at least 110 pounds can donate blood. To learn more about OneBlood visit www.oneblood.org