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The Confederate Battle Flag
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- By Mike Scruggs
- Category: Mike Scruggs' Column
The Battle for Historical Truth vs. Politically Correct Hysteria
The Confederate Battle Flag, sometimes called the Southern Cross, is held in disfavor by many who are unfamiliar with its origin and true symbolism. Many have been taught to treat it as an object of moral horror and political infamy. A deadly combination of ignorance and arrogant self-righteousness is constantly engaged in shouting down its true history and meaning. Demagogues freely defame it, while moral cowardice acquiesces to their outrageous distortions of the truth. The apathetic allow its true history to be buried under decades of slanderous propaganda. It is incumbent upon those who value truth, fairness, good will, reasonable tolerance, and charity in society to educate themselves on the true history and meaning of this famed banner.
A Wall is Not Enough
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- By Mike Scruggs
- Category: Mike Scruggs' Column
Important Priorities and Cautions in Immigration Reform
Beginning in 2012, I wrote a series of articles entitled: The Anti-Weasel Checklist—Notes on Understanding Immigration Issues. I have written more than 650 articles since my retirement as an investment executive with a large national brokerage firm in 2005, and at least 75 of them have addressed the growing disaster and accumulating dangers of out-of-control immigration and the nation-destroying prospects of amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Two great nation-destroying dangers in immigration policy still confront the nation. First, is the growing radicalization of the Democrat Party, whose seldom stated but primary immigration policy objective is to flood the country with new low-information or ethnic partisan voters in order to gain permanent political dominance over American government at all levels of legislative, judicial, and executive authority. The Democrat Party is no longer the party of our grandparents, of patriotic traditions, or of the people, the truth, or common sense. It has become dominated and almost completely corrupted by cultural Marxism, which is now manifesting itself not only with mindless devotion to political correctness but with virulent hatred and social bullying against those who dare speak against them.
Quantrill and His Missouri Partisan Rangers
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- By Mike Scruggs
- Category: Mike Scruggs' Column
The Politically Incorrect Truth
There are few better examples of historical distortion in war and its subsequent politics than the demonization of William Clarke Quantrill and his Missouri Partisan Rangers. Nations often demonize their enemies to wage war. In the case of Quantrill, the distortions of war propaganda have persisted and even increased to justify modern political fashions.
Quantrill and other Partisans were depicted as psychopathic killers. Every Partisan victory was described as a massacre. Every vile practice and atrocious deed of Kansas Jayhawkers and Redlegs were turned around and attributed to Missouri “bushwhackers” and “border ruffians.” This did not end with the War or Reconstruction era. Much of this same propaganda still pervades the politically correct versions of Kansas and Missouri history.
The Un-Civil War in Missouri
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- By Mike Scruggs
- Category: Mike Scruggs' Column
Following the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854—which permitted Kansas to allow or reject the institution of slavery by popular sovereignty—a destructive and sometimes bloody border war between Kansas and Missouri partisans raged for six years.
In 1860, about 80 percent of Missouri’s population was made up of first or second generation immigrants from other Southern and Border States, but only 13 percent of Missouri households owned slaves. Except for St. Louis, a city of 160,000, where new German immigrants made up a considerable portion of the population, Missouri was solidly Conservative and Democrat in its political leanings. Lincoln ran fourth in the 1860 presidential election, capturing only 10 percent of the vote.
False Narratives of American History
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- By Mike Scruggs
- Category: Mike Scruggs' Column
The Union Cause Was Not Ending Slavery
here are more books written about the U.S. “Civil War” than any other subject with the exception of Christianity and the Bible. In the foreword of my book, The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths, published in 2011, I noted that despite the hunger of Americans to know about the Civil War, it is the least understood war in American history in terms of its political causes and conduct. The second least understood war in American history is the Vietnam War, on which I also published a book in 2009, entitled Lessons from the Vietnam War, Truths the Media Never Told You. The history of both wars suffers from ideological distortion by the relentless imposition of politically correct false narratives that dominate the U.S. educational, media and political establishments. The distorted narrative of the Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877) has been especially powerful in advancing the liberal-progressive political agenda of centralized federal power and in corrupting voters with numerous victim and entitlement ideologies.
The government and progressive media narrative of the Civil War focuses on one issue—slavery—turning the war into a morality play about freeing Southern slaves. No knowledgeable and politically uncorrupted scholar can endorse such a politicized and distorted simplification of history. Yet that is the prevailing and often repeated public understanding of the “cause” of the war. Slavery was an important secondary issue, but it was not primarily driven by a moral rejection of the institution by most Northern political leaders or their constituents.
Mike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.
He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.
Click the website below to order books. http://www.universalmediainc.org/books.htm.