2024 is the Centennial of my mother’s birth. What a great moment to review her remarkable achievements.
Phyllis Stewart was born on August 14, 1924, in Saint Louis, Missouri. Her father was an engineer and her mother was a librarian with a master’s degree. Education was very important in the Stewart household. Phyllis was valedictorian of her high school class. The family had no money for college, so while Phyllis was in school, she worked a full-time (which was then 48 hours per week) job to pay for her education.
Phyllis worked hard for all of her achievements. She wrote books, gave speeches, built a movement, and testified on a lot of legislation. Most importantly, she wanted to share her success with others. Because she was self-made, she recognized the importance of multiplying her success by training others to become leaders.
Phyllis taught herself how to lead and then she taught countless women how to lead. She wanted her supporters to succeed, because she knew that she needed an army of dedicated Eagles to impact the laws and culture of America.
I have compiled the secrets of my mother’s leadership in a new book:
Lessons in Leadership: 21 Secrets for Success from Phyllis Schlafly
Use this manual to motivate yourself and to motivate others. Leadership requires passion and energy. Leadership is hard work. But nothing gets done without a leader. YOU can be a leader. Phyllis Schlafly proved that a homemaker in a small midwestern town can have an outsized impact on national policy. YOU can do the same!
Read Lessons in Leadership and learn how to be a leader.
I had a front-row seat on my mother’s remarkable life. I am thrilled to share with you what really made my mother tick!
Anne Schlafly is the daughter of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016), Chairman of Eagle Forum, and the author of Faithfully, Phyllis In the Kitchen: the Phyllis Schlafly Cookbook, How to Speak Liberal, Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy?, and Lessons In LEADERSHIP