I first became aware of Jenna McCarthy a few months ago, as she was writing in support of FLCCCA (Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance), a great group of dedicated physicians and professional folks that I support--physicians that tell the TRUTH about the sinister and very dangerous Covid-19 Non-Vaccine!. Jenna is affiliated with them, and I wrote a letter to her congratulating her on her current article -
I urge you to log onto her website and enjoy some of her articles (one of which I'll send out to you today). But it's her new book, mentioned above in the title, (YANKEE DOODLE SOUP), that I'd like to tell you about. It focuses on the experiences, many of them traumatic and then ultimately mostly positive, that resulted after her many contributors to her book (which is an anthology--she's the Editor and wrote only two of the 51 segments) were "jabbed and boosted" by the very unproven, highly dangerous, and overly "hyped" Covid-19 inoculation (which was NOT a vaccine as traditionally understood--i.e. it does NOT use a killed or weakened VIRUS as part of the formula); an experimental "Gene altering therapy" that was released upon the world either 1) too hastily without sufficient and long-enough time of human testing, or 2) in order to purposely cause a significant increase in DEATHS BY VACCINE, so that the human population of the world could be decreased--on purpose. I tend to favor the second scenario.
We just finished reading YANKEE DOODLE SOUP, and it was a real delight! My wife and I are both certifiable "Fringy, Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Conspiracy Theorists" (or so our detractors consider us, I'm sure), and proud of it, so Jenna's book truly was truly for us. (Incidentally, that "Fringy...." line is a PART of the title.) I found it to be an eclectic blend of humor, sarcasm, pathos, anger, fear, seeking after understanding, and a desire to seek after justice (with perhaps a touch of revenge showing its noble head from time to time).
And only a couple of its fifty-one mini-rants were actually written by the Editor, Jenna McCarthy. All the rest were written by normal and rational people (and Jenna appears to be one of them--perhaps a bit delightfully "snarky" from time to time) who didn't go totally off their rails until the Chinese bio-weapon (they get the blame now, no matter WHO really engineered this attempt at depopulating the world) came upon the scene.
It's really unfortunate that these certifiably rational contributors didn't write all of this significant "venting of their spleens" BEFORE they had been introduced to that nasty Chinese "Escaped From The Wuhan Lab" virus that changed their lives. As some of them admitted in Jenna's anthology, they had been warned by concerned friends or family to not let themselves be "jabbed" But they waited until AFTER they had let themselves be "invaded" with the dangerous and experimental gene altering, spike protein-causing poison that changed the trajectory of their lives. I'm sure that they now wish they had heeded the warnings. But at least we, the "fringy, tin foil hat" crowd who totally distrust what "our" government assures us is "a good thing", got a great book out of the unfortunate travails of our fellow citizens. Some of what they wrote is truly sad, and tear inducing. That so many of our fellow citizens got so damaged by this Big Pharma/Big Government plot to decimate the planet's population is unforgivable!
Two of the segments of YANKEE DOODLE SOUP that were amazing to read were written by the Editor, Jenna McCarthy. In my not-so-humble opinion, they are the two BEST segments out of many. The first one was titled: "Morton Sues The Who" (The World Health Organization), that Marxist monstrosity that needs to be disbanded and purged from suffering humanity. Its 5 1/2 page chapter are a delight to peruse, as we behold the adventures of Morton the Crusader, who sues the scandal plagued World Health Organization:
"The fifteenth of March seemed nondescript day,
although something was festering far, far away.
It may or may not have escaped from a lab,
(but make no mistake, it would end in a jab.)
You'll have to buy the book to discover the end of Morton's law suit!
The second of McCarthy's two memorable segments is titled: "Dear Unelected Leaders", and is absolutely worth the very low cost of this smile inducing "collection of reflections on the wacky state of the world." Her long letter to Klaus Schwab, the former scumbag "Distinguished Leader" (i.e. Fascist Wanna-Be Dictator of the World), the Founder (along with "our" Central Intelligence Agency") back in the 1970's of THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, is absolutely brilliant in a sarcastic sort of way, as she addresses that wacky conglomeration of ultra-wealthy Globalists and the businesses they own--those inhabitants of that subversive zoo that wants to own everything in the world, while we, the people, own nothing (but we will be happy). You believe that, right?
Wrote McCarthy:
"I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but some ill-mannered miscreants feel your mission smacks just a teensy bit of a self-appointed, diabolical, egomaniacal, tyrannical boy's club, desperately groping for world dominance. (Or something like that).
McCarthy's barbs go "uphill" from that point, and are MUST reading for all freedom loving patriots who despise the concept of unelected and arrogant and very dangerous globalist "movers and shakers" who think they know what is best for all the rest of us. But of course they don't. And they NEVER will!
Buy this great book from Amazon.com, either in Kindle form or regular book format You'll be very glad you did.