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Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 09:09 AM


First Published in 1994


MADISON, Wis. -- The International Olympic Committee has revised guidelines presented 13 months ago that said transgender athletes have 'no presumption of advantage'.

After that decision, the IOC received criticism from many, including 4 WINDS USA - Steve McConkey, and the science community for overlooking the physical advantages of transgender athletes.

The new guidelines say testosterone levels alone should not be used, but the specific demands of each individual sport should be considered. They want science and activists to decide what is right for each sport.

They said the guidelines should be for elite athletes only and not for youth and community sports. Transgender and intersex athletes should be prioritized.

In 2003, 4 WINDS USA President Steve McConkey started fighting against the International Olympic Committee's transgender policies. He was the only one who stood against this publicly. 4 WINDS USA is a worldwide sports ministry.

From there, the transgender movement spread to state high schools, the NCAA, NFL, NBA, and MLB. McConkey has fought this agenda every step of the way.

"The new IOC guidelines are better than those put out 13 months ago," states McConkey. "Those who spoke up were heard by the IOC. We have to keep a watchful eye on each individual sport as they decide what to do. Last June, swimming basically eliminated transgender athletes. My concern is that the IOC advocates people to pursue being transgender despite the physical and psychological dangers."

McConkey tried to sue the International Olympic Committee before the 2016 Olympics in Rio. He was concerned that intersex athletes (not transgender) would sweep the women's 800 meters. That is exactly what happened as they had high untested testosterone levels.

After years of standing up, FINA, the International Swimming Federation, voted to ban transgenders from participating in women's swimming.


4 WINDS USA (4 Winds Christian Athletics) is a worldwide sports ministry (4WindsUSA.com). Starting in world-class track and field ministries in 1981, Steve and Liz McConkey have worked through ten Olympics. In 2013, the ministry expanded to all sports. Steve graduated with honors from Western Kentucky University (Master of Public Health), Minnesota State University (BS-Community Health), and Webster High School (WI). They have lived in Bowling Green (Kentucky), Eugene (Oregon), Dallas-Fort Worth (Texas), Minneapolis-St. Paul (Minnesota), and Madison (Wisconsin). In recent years, the ministry has had many worldwide radio interviews and global articles, plus TV interviews.