"This is a tragic day for parents, girls, and unborn babies in Illinois and the entire Midwest", says Kevin Grillot, Director of the March for Life Chicago.
“By signing the repeal of the Parental Notification of Abortion Act, Governor Pritzker acted in opposition to 72% of Illinois residents who wanted to keep this commonsense law in place. Illinois is now the only state in the Midwest that does not have Parental Notification in place, an open invitation to out-of-state minors to pursue abortions in Illinois. This repeal strips parents of their rights to be involved in the medical care of their daughters and leaves girls increasingly vulnerable to sexual traffickers. ”
“We want the Governor and the abortion industry to know that we will not stop speaking up for vulnerable girls and their unborn babies. On January 8, 2022, thousands will gather in Federal Plaza and march down Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago, as a sign of our unwavering support for each and every human life.” Details about the March for Life Chicago at www.marchforlifechicago.org