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Monday, January 13, 2025 - 12:51 AM


First Published in 1994


Abolish The Department of Education

URGENT: The Biden administration has announced a rule forcing schools and universities nationwide to adopt radical LGBT policies in order to receive billions of dollars in federal funding, and to participate in federal programs such as one offering free lunches for low-income students.

This illustrates the danger of any government involvement in education, especially at the federal level. In addition to getting our kids out of the public school system, urge your U.S. representative and senators to get the federal government out of education, including by abolishing the Department of Education!

Members of Congress are seeking to pass legislation to terminate the unconstitutional and Deep State-controlled Department of Education (DoE). 

H.R. 899 is sponsored by Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and cosponsored by 19 additional representatives, while S. 323 is sponsored by Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.). The two bills are identical; they consist of only a single sentence that states: “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2022."

Abolishing the DoE is essential for multiple reasons. First, nowhere does the U.S. Constitution give the federal government any authority over education policy. Under the 10th Amendment, education policy lies with the states and the people. By its very existence and shaping of U.S. education policy, the DoE violates the Constitution.

Additionally, the federalization of U.S. education policy is enabling spread of curriculum that promotes left-wing values and that dumbs down students. These include Common Core and the Every Student Succeeds Act that codified the former. Furthermore, the Biden DoE is actively promoting critical race theory and the 1619 Project.

The Left understands that if it can control our children’s education, it will control the future. Having a centralized education department under their influence makes it significantly easier for the Left to accomplish its goals. These damaging policies have persisted since the department’s creation, and simply electing a Republican president will not fix any of them. 

The solution is to abolish the DoE and its accompanying bureaucracy and programs, none of which are legal to begin with. Doing so would not only be a major step toward obeying the Constitution, but it would deprive the Deep State of a major tool that it is using to indoctrinate the next generations with Marxist and anti-Americanist ideology. 

Tell your U.S. representative and senators to support H.R. 899 and S. 323 to officially terminate the federal Department of Education and to completely get the federal government out of education policy.
