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Sunday, September 8, 2024 - 08:38 PM


First Published in 1994



Former Libertarian and Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul (R-Texas) shares with The New American the importance of following the Constitution when it comes to any potential U.S. involvement in Ukraine. Paul also addresses Biden’s remarks about the “New World Order,” his entry into politics in the 1970s and working together with Congressman Larry McDonald (D-Ga.), and also why an Article V constitutional convention (or convention of states) would not work to stop unconstitutional federal overreach.


Asked about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s numerous requests for the U.S. and NATO to impose a no-fly-zone over Ukraine, Dr. Paul says, “We shouldn’t even be in a situation where anyone would dare to ask us to do that, because it should be none of our business and it sounds dangerous. Under the current situation and circumstances, for us to do that, actually will make the war worst and make it spread even further, bringing us into conflict with Russia.” Over all, of the conflict in Ukraine, Dr. Paul states, “[T]here’s unfairness on both sides and everybody has an angle and there are so many interests involved…”

Dr. Paul rejects President Biden’s call for a “New World Order,” describing it as authoritarian and stating that it “undermines liberty.” Instead, Paul calls for a “new relationship” with others countries in which the U.S. leads by the example of promoting liberty at home. He also calls for withdrawing from the United Nations, which seeks the establishment of a world government.

Dr. Paul further contends that the U.S. should not become military involved overseas without a congressional declaration of war. He compares the situation to the War in Iraq. “The overwhelming number of Republicans and most Democrats were all for this to go to war against Saddam Hussein and he was a monster. […] I made them vote on a declaration of war, which they said was ‘horrible, horrible. We don’t want to declare war.’ They go to war, but they didn’t want the responsibility. They wanted the president, ‘let him have his war and maybe some good will come out of it, but if not it’s the president’s fault. It wasn’t Congress’ fault.’ That is exactly opposite of what the Founder’s wanted,” Paul explains. “It sounds complicated. People ask me after my speeches, ‘it’s complicated, [so] what do you do?’ Well you could start by reading the Constitution… and follow it.”

Regarding his entry in politics in the 1970s, Ron Paul recalls voting together with Congressman Larry McDonald (D-Ga.) against the Swine Flu measures promoted under President Gerald Ford. Of his friend Rep. McDonald, Paul said, “We came together because we were both strict constitutionalists, which we felt obligated to follow.”

Asked about state legislatures using Article V of the Constitution to call a convention to propose amendments (known as a constitutional convention), Paul says, “…the circumstances today are very dangerous … right now what we need are just more people that would read the one [Constitution] we have… but having a convention, the odds are that it [the Constitution] would probably get watered down and not improved.”