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Religious Profiling of Chick-fil-A
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- By Bill Donohue, President, Catholic League
The war on Chick-fil-A has been going on for years, though in recent times it seems to have dissipated. The typical complaint is that because it closes on Sundays—to allow its workers to spend time in church and with their family—this is an antiquated Christian model that should no longer be tolerated. The fast-food chain has been closed on Sundays since it first opened in 1946.
The war was reignited recently when two New York State lawmakers, Democratic Assemblyman Tony Simone and Democratic Senator Michelle Hinchey, co-sponsored legislation aimed at forcing the evangelical-run company to open its restaurants on Sundays along the New York Thruway. They are saying that closing one day a week along the 570-mile-long highway gravely inconveniences travelers.
GriefShare Featured in Affirm Original's Second Season of the Inspiring Series 'Going Home'
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- By The Church Initiative, Inc.
WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- GriefShare, the globally recognized Christian grief support group, is honored to announce its inclusion in the upcoming second season of AFFIRM Originals' popular series "Going Home." This collaboration stems from a personal connection: the series creator and director, Dan Merchant, turned to a GriefShare group for support after the loss of his father and found it instrumental in his healing journey.
"Going Home" is a touching, episodic series that follows an inspiring team of hospice nurses who guide patients and loved ones on the ultimate journey—the transition from this world to their forever home. It's often a race against time as the team helps their clients find peace and resolve with compassion and dignity before passing. The series has earned acclaim for its authentic portrayal of end-of-life care and its powerful messages of hope and strength even in loss. In its eagerly anticipated second season, the series will delve into themes of loss, bereavement, and the journey towards healing, while highlighting how GriefShare aids individuals as they grieve.
Rebel News Presents 'Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity,' A Powerful New Documentary Exposing the Persecution Faced by Christian Pastors During COVID-19
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- By Christian Newswire
TORONTO, Ontario, Canada -- Rebel News, Canada's largest independent news company known for its bold investigative journalism, is proud to announce the release of "Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity."ChurchUnderFireMovie.com OR stream it on RebelNews+. Click on "Media Inquiries" to have us on your show!
This compelling documentary, the fourth produced by Rebel News' head documentarian, Kian Simone, sheds light on the relentless persecution experienced by Christian pastors in Canada during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Buy the film atChristian Pastors Pledge Solidarity on Urgent Israel Mission
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- By Eagles' Wings
MEDIA ADVISORY -- A group of more than a dozen influential pastors from America, Canada, and the United Kingdom, led by Bishop Robert Stearns and Eagles' Wings, returned to their home countries on Friday after a powerful 4-day Mission of Solidarity with the Jewish state.
It was the first known Christian Pastors Solidarity Mission to Israel since the atrocities that took place on October 7th.
During the timely mission, the group of leaders had the opportunity to see first-hand the devastation that the Jewish people experienced in the attacks unleashed against them two months ago. During a visit to Kibbutz Kfar Aza in southern Israel, just a few miles from the Gaza border, the group saw the ransacked homes of the community that was brutally destroyed by Hamas. Escorted by IDF officers, they spoke with family members of hostages who are still being held in Gaza.
Prison Fellowship International's Flagship In-Prison Evangelism Program Reaches Milestone Anniversary
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- By Prison Fellowship International
Organization celebrates 10 years and nearly 800,000 prisoners’ lives transformed through The Prisoner's Journey
WASHINGTON -- Prison Fellowship International’s flagship in-prison program, The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ) has reached its 10-year anniversary. This program, launched in South Africa and Nigeria in 2014, now runs in 35 countries across six continents. TPJ takes those in prison on a journey of self-discovery through the Gospel of Mark where they encounter Jesus the prisoner to learn who He is, why He came and what it means to follow Him.
Since inception, more than 1,600,000 prisoners in nearly 900 prisons around the world have been invited to learn about Jesus through TPJ. Of those, 772,379 have accepted the invitation, continued through the eight-week course and made a commitment to Christ through program graduation. Nearly 70% of those who complete TPJ demonstrate true heart conversion by continuing on to participation in another evangelism or discipleship course, a strong indicator of lasting life change.
Peachtree Reaches One Billion Bibles
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- By Christian Newswire
ATLANTA -- Peachtree Proofreading Services proudly announces a significant milestone in their history. They have contributed to Bibles that now exceed one billion copies distributed worldwide.
“Our journey, deeply rooted in a mission to protect and advance God’s Word, celebrates a profound impact--over one billion Bibles,” says Christopher Hudson, President of Peachtree. “This milestone is not just about business. It’s about the individual lives touched by the Scripture translations we’ve helped to develop and proofread.”
Victorious Family: The Road to Victory Begins at Home
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- By Victorious Family
Victorious Family Ignites Nationwide Movement for Family Discipleship
ATLANTA -- Victorious Family, an international nonprofit, is sparking a nationwide movement for family discipleship as the path toward reviving America’s family-centered faith and character. Details about this movement are published here in a Special Section of The Washington Times.
“This is a decisive moment in our nation’s history,” writes Dr. Terence Chatmon, founder and CEO of Victorious Family. “It is an opportunity to rewrite our narrative, from one of decay to one of restoration, from moral ambiguity to a resurgence of faith and character.
- Time for "The View" to Move Over, Here Comes "The Vision" TV Show
- Dr. Alveda King and Dr. Ginger Howard Launch Group for Spiritually Active Government Engaged Women
- Most Translated Film in History Reaches 2,100 languages
- Lee Benton Joins Kevin Sorbo in the Upcoming Feature Film, 'A Prophet Like Me'
- 'The Chosen' Gives First Look at Season 4, Announces Full-Season Release in Theaters
- March for the Martyrs to Advocate for Persecuted Christians on September 30th in Washington D.C.
- Pastor David Gallemore Celebrated 40th Anniversary at Rock Springs Baptist